First of all, my nose is a nose that needs beauty + functional nose unconditionally.
Meburi + Bokko + High and wide nose bridge + Long nose I looked for plastic surgery to improve, and
when I took CT scans at all hospitals, it came out that I had nasal septal deviation and inferior turbinate hypertrophy. They diagnosed nasal valve stenosis in two places..
There are various treatment methods and prices are slightly different, so I haven't decided where to do it yet... Please
read the reviews and ask for help if you have friends who have actually had plastic surgery. 1.
Item: Nasal septum implant nose tip bokko long nose hook
surgery Method: Autologous rib + ear cartilage + filler removal + fat removal
Cost: 200 (functional nose) + 260 (cosmetic) = 460
2 million
====> First of all, it doesn't seem like a factory type, and I liked the part where the director kindly and meticulously explained it, but it was the only hospital that said that the tip of the nose would fall off after a while, so I had to do self-healing... I'm worried because it seems like it's being done very cheaply, but,, I don't want to do self-healing ㅠㅠ, and they said that I had to cut the nose in all other places, but they said it would be done in the form of shaving the bone next to the bridge of the nose instead of cutting it.. 2. DA item:
septum No-implant nose tip Bokko long nose meburi
Surgery method: Nasal septum cartilage + nose cartilage + nasal bridge osteotomy, filler removal
- small nose tip, nose line osteotomy, nostrils slightly visible, nose bridge filler melted and blown away
- No implants
Cost: 3.96 million won (495 won if review is not used)
=====> The entire building was a plastic surgery clinic, so I had some trust, but it felt like a factory.
However, it was good that the director
meticulously told me that unnecessary things were unnecessary and only told me what to do, so I was worried because there were not many
. Filler removal + nose osteotomy
cost: conditions for writing a review 283
=====> The only hospital that didn't take CT, it seems to be more famous for breast augmentation. .
4. Between
items: Non-implant, humpback, long nose, nose tip, nasal septal deviation, nasal valve reconstruction, convex nose correction, nose tip angle adjustment, filler removal Surgery method: osteotomy (optional) + nasal septum
cost: review conditions 436, functional nose 250
=====> The hospital facilities were good, the atmosphere was good, and it didn't feel like a factory for a large hospital. The doctor also kindly explained to me well.
5. iLumi
Item: Hawkeye, nose osteotomy, nose correction, filler removal, no-implant
surgery Method: osteotomy, + donor rib (additional KRW 1.1 million)
Cost: 440, 350 cash on the day card, 330 => 440 if you add 110 donor rib
==== => It was good that the director said something very powerful and clear, but I was a bit reluctant because I had to use the donor ribs
, You did it, but I don't feel like it... ㅠ
6. First button
item: filler removal, nose osteotomy, nose correction, hawk nose, nasal septum curvature + nasal valve stenosis + hypertrophic rhinitis
Surgery method: nasal septum cartilage + ear cartilage
Cost: total 380 won (beauty) + 353 (Function) Diagnosis certificate and insurance
=====> First of all, it is a nose specialty hospital, so I am very grateful for the very meticulous CT, and the director was very kind and explained very kindly that it was not necessary to use self-healing. And for the first time, I was diagnosed with non-valve stenosis, but the cost is too expensive than I thought...
No matter how much I get refunded for the functional nose, almost 700 or more money is broken at once... I didn't seem to be able to do it.. When I heard the explanation, I thought, no matter how expensive it is, I had to do it here, but I didn't want to do it after seeing the photoshop result... lol
, the consultation was cool without saying that it
was a reservation on the same day or until when I had to do something, so it was nice that there was no burden
. Ear cartilage
cost: 480 including functional surgery (refunded by 100 manons) -> 450 on same day
I'm really worried between Kobijou and Migo, but after looking for reviews here, I was a bit worried because they are all too natural lines. It seems that the drug director has a unique line.
Still, the free as-period is 3 years, the director thoroughly manages the follow-up, and if you don't like it, it's a big advantage that you can have another surgery by adding an anesthetic fee... They say they do blood tests, liver levels, blood pressure, and allergy
tests before surgery.
8. Beauty
items: No-implant, humpback, nose osteotomy, alar reduction, nose tip, long nose correction, nasal fat removal, filler removal, nasal septal curvature correction + inferior turbinate hypertrophy correction Surgery method: septal curvature surgery with septal cartilage, ear
cartilage Cost of use
: 540 in total (480 at the event discount price)
=====> I read a lot of articles saying that the operation time was 4 hours, and there was almost no blood after the operation, so there was no cotton in the nose and that it did not hurt much.
First of all, a friend had surgery here, and it came out very well. But the case with this friend is very different. But what I'm worried about is that I didn't make a reservation for a functional nose here, but they said that I had to do a functional nose correction, so I was worried because there was no separate otolaryngology specialist... And it's the only
hospital that even recommended a nostril reduction...
Thorough follow-up care It seems like it is, and the guidance is very good, so I trust it and I want to do it here because my friend did it, but it's not a hospital that specializes in functional nose,,, I was wondering if there would be any problem doing it together. And here, the line is also beautifully drawn, so there are things I want to do...
Overall, the direction of surgery is similar, so I want to do it in a place where the line is pretty and safe
. there??????
Where should I go?