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[눈성형] Double eyelid eyelid revision surgery review! (ㄴㅅㅎ, ㅂㅇㅇ, ㅇㅇㅋㅌ, ㅇㄹㅇㅇ, ㅂㅇㅇ, ㄸㅋ)

Date 24.09.05 17:41:26 View 382

I had double eyelid surgery 5 years ago via incision and it came undone after a year and a half, but I just kept living with it and decided to get another surgery! One side is loose and the other side has a double eyelid! My criteria for selecting a hospital: A hospital specializing in eyes, a hospital that is not factory-style as much as possible, and if there was even one bad review, I would remove it! I like the incision line, so I wanted to get double eyelid surgery along that line, and if it could be raised a little more, I would like to do so (no greed). When I went for a consultation, I didn’t make any demands like wanting this or that and not liking anything. Since it was important for me to match the direction the director was pursuing, I just collected the director’s opinions! 1. ㄴㅅㅎ Plastic Surgery (Director ㄱㄷㅎ) The double eyelid did not come undone, but fat was removed. 1. Recommend the line as it is. Partial incision on both sides + fat grafting from one eye or thigh. Free reoperation for 3 years. After that, only anesthesia material cost is charged. Review photo, event request X. 2. ㅂㅇㅇ Plastic Surgery (Director ㄱㅌㅎ) If you only want one side, it is not recommended, but it is possible. Incision on both sides + fat redistribution on one side . Eyes that can have a higher line, but there are two incision lines left. Free reoperation for 1 year, review photo. The price will be re-evaluated under the condition of 2 years. 3. ㅇㅇㅋㅌ Plastic Surgery (only one director) Photos were taken before consultation. Recommended double eyelids only with incision or non-incision on both sides. You can say that these eyes would look good as sausages if the line is higher, but I do not recommend. Free reoperation for 1 year, and only anesthesia cost is charged after 1 year to 2 years. Review photo request price. 4. ㅇㄹㅇㅇ Plastic Surgery (only one director) Recommended for eyes with a higher line (seems to pursue gorgeous eyes!) Incision on both sides, 2mm of incision, and then suture. Recommended for epicanthoplasty. 10-year reoperation free review photos, no event X price is fixed. 5. ㅂㅇㅇ Plastic Surgery (only one director) Both sides incision + said that the epicanthic fold in front of the team could be the cause of the double eyelid laxity. Both the director and the head of the department spoke very confidently about the surgery. 2-year reoperation free review photo request price. There is no consultation fee, but I paid 10,000 won (non-refundable) because they said it would be very cheap....... I feel a little bewitched..ㅎㅎ They took pictures of my eyes with a cell phone, but they told me to squint my eyes on purpose, so I lost a little trust.. 6. ㄸㅋ Plastic Surgery (head director) Pictures taken before consultation. Line raised, both sides incision + team 1-year reoperation free review photo request price. There was no consultation fee at all, and the waiting time was relatively short, probably because it was a weekday. (There was no place where I waited more than 30 minutes.)

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