Job Review

[코성형] Rhinoplasty review (ㅇㅆ, ㅇㄹㅂ, ㅅㅇㅅㅅㅇㅇ)

Date 24.07.08 15:53:29 View 1,455

First of all, I have the following conditions, and I absolutely wanted to go without implants. I wanted to improve only the tip of the nose to a more natural nose without affecting the bridge. - First nose surgery - The bridge of the nose is high (the area between the eyebrows is slightly low) - I have a slightly hooked beak. Pressure on the tip of the nose (weak nasal septum) - The tip of the nose spreads when you smile - Nostril asymmetry - There is a deviated septum (not severe) 1) ㅇㅆ Consultation fee: 11,000 won - Functional nose surgery is not included - This is a famous place for closed nose surgery, but I recommend open nose surgery. - Because the right side looks wide, I recommend a lateral osteotomy (optional) - The cartilage at the tip of the nose is weak, so a donor rib or a natural rib must be used, and the cost varies by about 1 million won . - The nose will be corrected while slightly reducing the nostril. - The ear cartilage and fascia + ribs will be used. - Slightly trim the beak - If you extend the length, your mouth will look protruding, so it would be better to extend it only slightly *** The cost is more than 500 even if you write a review, and aftercare includes 2 swelling injections and CCTV, but you need full consent from the operating room teacher to view it, a/ s period: 1 year*** Overall review: The director was a bit unfriendly ㅜㅜ, it may be because it is a place famous for closed surgery, but he didn't seem very confident about opening the surgery, and the cost was 11,000 won for only taking pictures and consulting without a CT scan (why? I don't know if it's true), he doesn't clearly point out areas of improvement by looking at my nose, but speaks vaguely overall, so I lost trust from the time I consulted with the director. It doesn't seem to be a very famous or good place, but the cost is too expensive. 2) ㅇㄹㅂ_ㅂㅈㅅ No consultation fee - Septal deviation surgery possible (actual cost possible) -Do you need a lateral osteotomy? It is possible to do it, but it is not recommended (they said it is not necessary considering the overall facial harmony) - Shin Se-kyung and Go Yun-jeong's noses are possible, and any nose photos I want are possible (I am comfortable) - Frontal improvement is unconditional (the face will never be damaged by surgery) Ham) -My nose is slightly upturned and spreads out a lot to the side, and my nostrils are also asymmetrical. They say it would be a good idea to have a nose reduction done at the same time. -Surgery is possible with the nasal septum and ear cartilage, and it only takes about an hour to do the tip of the nose? They say it will take a while - If you lower and raise the tip of the nose slightly, the protruding mouth will be slightly improved - Since the face is a bit wide on the side, it would be good to raise the area between the eyebrows a little (optional) - After the surgery, there is no need to put cotton in the nose and no splint. ***Cost is a function. Including, it costs around 400 seconds (about 400 if you get the actual cost), CCTV footage can be provided, but it costs about 300,000 won, the A/S period is lifelong (if there is a surgical problem), and if you want cosmetic improvement, there will be a cost, but they will not charge it all. There is an anesthesiologist, but the director does the sleep anesthesia himself. The director is in charge of ethics and so on, so he only performs 2 surgeries a day, and he does very little publicity.*** Overall review: Actually, this is my second consultation, and the director is the same as then and now. "Why are you worried?" was the facial expression and tone of voice. He emphasized that you will never lose your face if you get a nose. He said that you will hear a lot of people say that you have become prettier if you have a nose. I am still worried because it is not advertised and there are not many reviews, but the price is reasonable and the director said If I consult with Director Ina, I will gain more trust. If I do it here, I think I won't fail at least, so I think I'll go to a few other places and make a reservation here. If the counseling director says he'll do it too, don't do it! It felt cool, I had a CT scan and it felt like it was the latest machine (but the director didn't look at the CT very closely), before and after photos looked completely natural 3) ㅅㅇㅅㅅㅇㅇ_ㄱㅊㅇ Consultation fee 50,000 won - Both wings (bulk protruding next to the nose ?) Nose reduction - Is rhinitis surgery necessary? He said I didn't have to do it (there is a deviated nasal septum, but it's not that bad, and there are side effects from rhinitis surgery, so I told him not to do it unless it's a big inconvenience in daily life) - Slightly lower and raise the tip of the nose, use the nasal septum and ear cartilage (protrusion will improve) - Osteotomy -There is no risk of lengthening the philtrum -Differences should be filled with fascia -It is said that it is natural for the tip of the nose to fall, just as the skin sags even without nose surgery, the tip of the nose falls off for everyone -Shaving the beak is recommended (to make it look masculine) (possible) -The bridge of the nose is high, so I don't think it's necessary to raise it. ***The cost was the most expensive. Even if you write a review, it's low to mid 6 million won? (The representative director adds 100-150), CCTV footage can be provided, but it incurs a cost (but the director said that if you can't trust it that much, it's right not to do it at our hospital.. haha..), A/S seems to have been for 1 year. There are a lot of before and after photos on Bobby Talk with Gangnam unnie, so I told you to look for them*** Overall review: At first, the counseling director was so friendly that I felt burdened, but on the website, it said that the first nose surgery was done by Dr. When I came in and had a consultation, I asked, “Is the director who does the consultation here different from the director who does the surgery?” I just received a consultation, but during the consultation with the director, the director suddenly came in and made the director leave in a hurry ;;; I still had a lot of questions to ask, but I also paid 50,000 won for the consultation. The director's explanation was very specific and detailed, where the problem was and how to improve it! They explained it kindly, but the before and after surgery photos were just so-so, and the director asked if I was getting surgery from Dr. B, and that was what it said on the website! When I said that, his expression completely changed and he said no, I'll get it from the director who gave me advice, and from then on he became a bit unfriendly... The cost was ridiculously expensive. It seemed like it was famous, but the price difference was too big and the manager was scared, so I felt like I couldn't do it here. ㅜㅜ I had high expectations, but came away disappointed...

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24-07-09 10:49
Director: In many hospitals, it seems that you have to specify when making a consultation reservation to be able to receive consultation from the director of your choice.
24-07-09 16:57
Ugh, of course I know. It would have been nice if they had just edited the website content or provided additional guidance... The way they responded was disappointing.
24-07-09 17:09
Can you tell me who the second hospital and the teacher are?
24-08-04 15:56
Finish Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
다른 병원에서 첫코 했는데 시간 지날수록 점점 코끝 처짐+내가 원하는 모양이 아님 스트레스 받는데 그냥 살까 하다가 후기 괜찮아서 여기 전화해봤는데 다행이 내가 원하는 시간에 가능해서 다녀왔음 여기 말고도 몇 군데 다녀왔는데 여기 상담도 상당히 기억에 남는 병원임 실장님들도 다 예쁘게 생기셨구 병원 인테리어 약간 그 제주도 카페 느낌나서 좋았음ㅋㅋㅋ 박귀용원장님 상담도 엄청 자세하게 봐주시는데 뭐가 문제였는지 왜 첫수술이 실패인지 다 봐줬고 자가늑 엑스레이 찍고 그걸로 자가늑 사용 가능한지 불가능한지 봐줬음 다행히 난 사용 가능하다고 했고 자가늑 전문적으로 하는 느낌이 컸음
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