Job Review

[안면&양악] ㅇㅇㅊ Product review

Date 24.04.05 09:55:02 View 1,027

I have had a complex about my flat face since I was young, but recently, due to depression, my desire to improve my appearance increased, so I received counseling here and there. Among them, I would like to tell you about the consultation I received regarding ㅇㅇㅊ plastic surgery. I had face-to-face counseling a total of 3 times, and the first time I went (23/June), they sent me back, saying I was overweight and needed to lose weight first (I was 180/75kg at the time). I was mentally frustrated, so I had another consultation when I was 72kg (23). / October) They told me to get to the mid-to-late 60s and 70 under, so I went back to lose weight. At the last visit (24/January), I was able to receive counseling only after I had completed losing up to 65kg. As if my complex was correct, he diagnosed that my mid-face area was saggy. Since I had lost a lot of weight, my cheekbones were protruding, so he recommended cheekbone surgery. Also, my eyes looked small due to the wrinkles and sagging skin above my eyes, so I recommended burying my eyes. The conclusion is that the three surgeries - under-eye fat relocation + mid-face dermal transplant + cheekbone reduction (intra-mouth incision) + left eye enlargement - can all be performed through a single intra-oral incision, so I thought it would be better to perform the surgery at once if possible, so I decided to try the eyes first and think about it. Since the doctor specializes in contour reconstruction, the eye surgery was performed elsewhere.

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