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[코성형] I went to three nose consultations ㄹㅂㄹ ㅂㄴㄴ ㅈㅇㅈ

Date 24.02.13 18:28:38 View 1,531

While looking into nose surgery, I heard that rhinitis can also be operated on, so I asked about that as well. I consulted with CT at all three places in that order - director - director - director. 1. ㄹㅂㄹ (Director ㅇㅅㅇ) I have a deviated septum, so it can be corrected during surgery. The director explained a lot of things to me, perhaps because this was my first consultation, but after going to other places, I think he only briefly talked about the basics. I felt like he explained and interpreted words that I also knew. After the consultation with the director, I waited for a while until the consultation with the director, and then I met the director. He was honest and explained the surgical materials and method. The content was good, but I was a little worried because the price was higher compared to other places. 2. ㅂㄴㄴ (Director ㅊㅇㅊ) Surgery is possible for deviated septum. The consultation with the director was longer than the first place I went to, and the director explained the materials. The pros and cons of each material are also informed, and the choice is made gradually after listening to the director . After consulting with the director, I wait for a while, so the director comes and diagnoses my nose and confirms the problem with a CT scan. He told me about the surgery needed for each nose problem, and when I asked if it would be a good idea to reduce the nose bridge, he said he thought it might be a good idea, but asked me to make a careful decision and let him know. 3. Director ㅈㅇㅈ The personality of the director was very good and the content of the consultation was good. However... the nose review was a bit flashy for my standards. While I was waiting, I saw the person who came to see the doctor and he looked very fancy. Originally, I saw a lot of reviews with flashy vibes, so I searched for more reviews while waiting, and it seems like what I'm after is a flashy nose.. He said that surgery is possible at a lower cost naturally, but the standard that I want for a natural but not excessive look may be different from the director's. It’s like… . I'm worried. Currently, I have had both functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty done at one of these places. They made it easy to process the insurance by helping me make a separate payment and submit the necessary documents to the insurance company to process a refund.

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