Job Review

[코성형] Review of the puffy nose and hooked beak (ㅇㅇㅂ, ㅁㅂ)

Date 23.12.13 04:11:43 View 1,565

ㅇㅇㅂ - Director ㅇㅈㅅ □ CT ⭕️ Photography ⭕️ Consultation fee ❌ □ Friendliness: Medium, the coordinator was a bit unfriendlyㅜㅜ The manager was friendly. □ Waiting time: Takes a long time. I think I waited for more than 20-30 minutes each time I met Sil-won-sil. Consultation takes about 5 minutes □ Consultation: It was my first consultation, so I went without knowing anything, but they didn't explain exactly how the surgery would be done, and they pointed out the problem and the consultation ended quickly (ex) When I looked at the CT, my nose was crooked and my septum cartilage wasn't very good. I don't have it, so I have to use costal cartilage. Silicone will be used for the bridge of the nose, and mention of the surgical method❌ □ Estimate: 275 for the first nose, 88 per curved nose, hooked nose, silicone section +Autologous rib 165 +Ear cartilage 35 Total about 785? □ Discount benefits: Gangnam Unnie, 3 Bobby Talk reviews, approximately 50% discount for same-day reservations □ Total 400, time required: about 1 hour 35 minutes / Waiting is too long and feels a bit like a factory ㅁㅂ - Director ㄱㅈㅎ □ CT❌ Photography⭕️Consultation fee❌     - CT scan available for 30,000 won □ Kindness: Good □ Waiting time: I waited about 20 minutes before meeting the director. □ A/S period: Free A/S once within 1 year □ Consultation: He explained the surgical method and problems very well. Because the beak is curved, inserting silicone will accentuate the curve, so non-implants are recommended. If you put it in, I recommend a thin one of 3~3.5mm (is it really thin..?) He said there was no need for osteotomy or nose reduction. I feel like I don't recommend unnecessary surgery. □ Estimate: Approximately 600 for hooked beak, curved nose, silicone, etc. + 250 for self-made ribs □ Discount benefits: 20% discount on the condition of same-day reservation and review Discount for self-buying❌ □ Total about 660? Duration: about 1 hour / Consultation was better than ㅇㅇㅂ, but too expensive… At first, I mainly went to famous mid to large companies, but somehow it felt like it didn't fit the direction I was pursuing...! Since I moved what I scribbled on a notepad, the organization is a bit lacking. Afterwards, I plan to visit 6 more places and try my best to write them down...

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감사합니다 정보
23-12-13 07:59
저도 약간 복코인데 잡아야겠네요
23-12-13 10:15
에이비 어때요?
23-12-20 03:54
정보 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ
23-12-30 19:28
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