Job Review

[코성형] Review of the first nose surgery consultation by Dr. ㅂㄹㅇ ㄹㄷㅇ

Date 23.12.02 01:31:53 View 1,808

First of all, I was very nervous because it was my first consultation... hahaha First of all, my list of steps is ㅂㄹㅇ ㅁㅇㄷ ㅂㅌㅇ ㅎㄴㅂ ㅈㅇㅈㅇ 4__ ㅁㅌ and my current nose is short and the nose itself is small and has a columella. I want a straight nose that is closer to natural, and I'm thinking of a straight line that's closer to a straight line. Also, I think the columella and nasolabial angle are important, so I want to have surgery to lower the columella and take the nasolabial angle into consideration so that it harmonizes well with my face! First of all, I went to my first hospital consultation today and was consulted by the director of ㄹㄹㅇ. The entire building was a plastic surgery clinic, so it was very big. It was a large hospital, so I felt a little anxious. But it didn't feel like a factory and the atmosphere wasn't too chaotic. The desk staff were also friendly. I had another CT scan and it was free. I went to another floor and met the manager, and although the manager didn't seem overly friendly, he didn't force me to make a same-day reservation and gave me just the consultation I needed. I thought it was better than being too burdensome, so I explained what I wanted, and when I said I wanted a straight line that was close to a straight line, he said that it would change my image too much and recommended a straight line instead of a straight line. (I don't have a mature image, but it's more of a cute feeling! Hahaha;) I waited for a while and consulted with the director, and he was very calm and didn't feel like he was saying the same thing to all patients, but rather, he designed my nose based on my feelings. I trusted it because it felt like it. Also, the doctor first told me about a celebrity with a similar image, which made me look forward to the surgery...? Hahahaha I may have been a little excited...hahahaha Of course, I'm not saying they look alike, but I thought it would be nice to have this feeling~, but I liked it because that celebrity was someone I always thought was pretty. First of all, my nose was short, small, and slightly lifted, so they said I needed to get a columella support, and since I had no nose bridge, they said I needed to put 5.5mm of silicone into the bridge of my nose. He said that the material should be used up to the ear cartilage and the donor rib, and since it was my first surgery, I didn't even think about the cost, so I said I was worried about absorption or inflammation problems. Nowadays, it is rare for donor ribs to become inflamed, and the absorbable material will be used along with my ear cartilage. So they said it would be okay. I also asked somewhere that I had heard that the inside of the columellar support could cause breathing problems, and he showed me the Citi pictures and said that I was wondering if the nasal septum was like that in the nostrils. He told me that since my teeth were growing well, it wouldn't be difficult to breathe. He also said that CCTV can be recorded at no additional cost if you tell him in advance, and AS can be recorded for one year. First of all, I showed up today without paying the reservation deposit yet. It was my first hospital consultation, and the part that took me a bit was that it was a large hospital, that I had to use a donated rib, and that the reviews had a slightly flashier feel than the nose I wanted, so I had higher expectations, but I was a little worried that it might change too much or not have the feel I wanted. .? It was because I had a feeling. However, the director doesn't seem to be the kind of person who does anything flashy without considering the face, so I thought it would be okay, but I was worried because the standards for glamor and naturalness are different for each person. So, I guess I'll go to other places first and then make a decision!! If there are any people who have ever had nose surgery from Dr. ㄹㄹㅇ or had their first nose surgery with a donated rib, please leave a comment haha.

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서울에서 두번째로 방문해본 병원. 처음 병원이 쏘쏘이기도 했고 자연스럽게 잘 하기로 유명한 병원이라 기대가 제법 있었는데 라인 잡아준 게 제일 마음에 들었음. (병원은 총 5군데 방문해봤고 앞선 두 곳은 사는 지역 병원, 나머지 세 곳은 서울에서 자연스럽게 잘 하고 재수술 잘 하는 병원 위주였음) 절개와 지방제거 200만원대인데 홈페이지에 눈 공개하면 150만원대로 떨어지고 절개, 눈매교정, 지방제거는 303만원이고 눈 공개시 200만원대로 떨어졌음. 가격도 생각보다 괜찮아서 엄청 혹한 곳인데 수술할 때 원장님 뵙고 그 이후에는 한 달차에나 만나뵐 수 있다고 함. 개인적으로 이게 좀 마음에 안 들긴 하는데 진짜 제일 마음에 들었던 곳이라 그거 감수하고 여기로 잡아볼까 고민되는 곳 중 하나임...... AS기간은 1년, 수술할 때 붓기 주사 같이 들어가고 흉살 생기면 흉살 주사까지 들어간다고 했음. 원장님이 좀 바빠보이셨는데 그점이 마음에 걸려서 그렇지 조곤조곤 상담 잘 해주시고 라인 예쁘게 빼주신 점은 진짜 크게 마음에 듦...... 이미 몇 군데 돌아봐서 내 눈에 맞는 수술은 뭔지 그런 걸 알고 있어서 상담실장님께 크게 여쭤본 건 없는데 이런 사람이 처음인 건지 엄청 당황하시는 것 같았음. 몇 번이나 궁금한 거 없으세요? 물어보시는데 최대한 쥐어 짜내서 여쭤본 게 사후 관리였음. 근데 그 답변이 영 시원치 않아서 차마 더 물어볼 게 없다고는 못 함...... 여태 다닌 병원 중 제일 사람 많고 원장님도 바빠 보이셨음.
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