Job Review

[코성형] Review of the curved nose in Gangnam + Seomyeon

Date 23.11.29 17:05:01 View 1,287

I'm from Busan, so I'm still undecided whether to stay in Seoul or Busan. ㅠㅊㄷㅊ I went with Nonggyeongko, so I was immediately excluded as a candidate because my score was over 600 ... It was nice that there was no waiting at all and they were friendly! ㅋㄹㅇ There was no waiting at all here, and I went with a functional nose for about 400 won. Out of all the places I went to, this place was the friendliest + gave good explanations ㅊㄷㅊ ㅋㄹㅇ All of them had the same surgical methods for me: curved nose osteotomy, functional nose, and double nose correction without implants . ㄷㅇㅇ I was a little reluctant because it was a large hospital, but it seemed like it would be more systematic, so I got a consultation. I was completely lost in the chicken coop, so as soon as I entered, I thought I shouldn't do it here. I don't remember which director I consulted with, but they said I had to put silicone in here. Anyone can see that it has a high nose and a big nose. I have a hooked nose, but I didn't need to... And since the eyebrows are high, they said I had to put in implants right between the eyebrows, so... I was like, ㅂㅌㅇ I had to wait a little bit, but I liked the review photos the most ㅠ I want to get it done here, but the price difference is about 100. I'm thinking about it ㅠ Seomyeon ㄷㅍㅇㅅ Since I'm from Busan, it's a bit burdensome to do it in Seoul, so I consulted to find out about Busan as well . As soon as I got there, the person who waited for 1 hour and 50 minutes was angry. I waited for about 40 minutes, so I decided to consult with the representative first. They told me to do this + hooked nose osteotomy + functional nose + double nose correction. Other places said I didn't need to have an osteotomy, but I don't know because I can't imagine what it would be like if I did. The price is about 400 for a functional nose, and 320 for a non-functional nose, but for a cosmetic nose, it's about 200. They said they would do it ㅡ I should have tried harder when I went to Seoul ㅠ ㅋㄹㅇ I was planning to do it at ㄹㅇ, but there were so many bad stories about it that I was scared ㅠ ㅂㅌㅇ would be okay..?

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ㄷㅇㅇ랑 ㅋㅋㄹㅇ은 비용 얼마나왔어?
23-11-30 14:17
ㄷㅇㅇ는 듣지마자 여긴아니다싶어서 제대로 기억이 안나 ㅠ ㅋㅋㄹㅇ은 수험생할인으로 220+비염수술220 해서 440이야!
23-11-30 18:03
ㄷㅇㅇ는 스타일 맞는 원장님 지정해서 가야한다고 들었음! 스타일이 원장님들마다 차이가 꽤 있는 편인듯?
23-11-30 15:03
원장도 그렇고 병원분위기도 내스타일이아니더라 ㅠ!!
23-11-30 18:03
나도 ㅂㅌㅇ 맘에 들어서 그런데 혹시 내부랑 분위기 ㅇㄸ?
23-12-09 14:31
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-01-08 00:47
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