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[코성형] Nose Jae ㅁㅌ ㅅㅎ Completely honest and warm product review

Date 23.10.05 23:35:17 View 2,494

About 10 years ago, I had my nose done in a local area. I had a somewhat dull-looking water drop nose, a slightly arrow nose, and asymmetrical tilting issues. Today, I went to two places that are famous for rhinoplasty for consultations. ㅁㅌ: Director ㅇㅎㅅ => (Visited on the recommendation of an acquaintance of an acquaintance) He clearly tells me what to do and what not to do in a cool-headed manner. I thought I had a contracture/double nose because my nostrils are evenly spaced, but he told me that it was not a contracture but a problem with the bridge of my nose being tilted, and (contrary to what I expected) he explained that the size of my nose was just right. However, because of my L-shaped nose, I looked like a man, so they said I needed to correct the shape by raising the tip of my nose. I don't remember the name of the surgery, but they said it should be used to relieve asymmetric nose bridge (if the skin is thin, the dermal layer of the ear skin can be used) + shape correction silicone + ear cartilage + nasal septum. However, he asked me over the phone to ask if I used a nasal septum in addition to ear cartilage when I had liposuction surgery 10 years ago. It is said that the direction of surgery varies depending on the presence of a nasal septum. After the surgery, the asymmetry of the nose is alleviated to some extent, but it is not 100%, and the nose may look spread out as the existing compressed material is moved. I heard that functional AS, excluding cosmetic complaints, is 3 years. -------- ㅅㅎ: Director Yoo Hyeon- seok, please identify the exact cause of my dissatisfaction with the design of my nose. He explained that the reason I was mistaken when I thought the tip of my nose was not a full nose was because the shape of the bridge of my nose was not pretty. (They said the size of the nose bridge was just right. If it got smaller, it would be weird.) He showed me a photo of the trendy diamond-shaped nose bridge these days and said that if I want to get the slim nose I want (like you, ㅈㅇㅇ, ㅅㅇ), it would be a good idea to get the inner nostril reduction done. Just like ㅁㅌ, he said that I need to improve my nose by raising the tip of my nose. (I think I heard that you can create a pretty diamond-shaped nose by raising the tip of the nose and slightly lowering the columella.) The materials are mesh, ear cartilage, silicone, and nasal septum. And I couldn't remember whether it was closed or open during the liposuction, but he looked at my nose and told me that it seemed to be closed. And the counseling director is really, really kind. Follow-up care: After checking in at one week, three to six months, and one year, a direction is decided after consultation with the director. If it is unavoidable to have it removed due to inflammation or contracture within 1 to 3 years, it is said that it will be decided after consultation based on the situation whether there will be a small cost or whether you will have to pay out of pocket. ( Functional purpose O Beauty purpose Instructions on how to shape your nose. I wanted to improve the shape of my nose, so the direction of nose consultation was ㅅㅎ, but I got the impression that ㅁㅌ seemed more thorough in the follow-up care. I want a natural, as refined and pretty nose as possible (Jang Won-young/Seol-yoon), but the directors of both of the above basically said they pursue naturalism, so I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment about what it was like for the noses you have tried! A stylish style (even if it's a little dirty, it's definitely pretty). Hospital recommendations are also welcome!   + Also, I like the style and photos being pursued, but I've heard some things here about aftercare, so I'm curious about what it's actually like. I'm also interested in nose reduction (inside), but I've seen so many scary posts telling people not to do it, so I'd like to hear people's opinions! (Also, I heard that mesh is a material that has a slight risk of inflammation, so I'm curious what the experts think about this as well.)

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나도 무조건 자연스럽게 하고 싶어서 ㅁㅌ, ㅊㄷㅊ, ㅈㅇㅈㅇ 보고 있는데.. 메쉬때문에 부작용 난 예사들 많이 보긴 했어ㅠ
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저 세현에서 코 했었는데
메슈 사용 절대 싫다고 말씀 드려서 안했어요
그 병원은 왤케 메슈 권하는지 모르겠네요
메슈는 절대 쓰지마세요
코는 자연스러운거 원하시면 아주 좋은 병원입니다
근데 극자연이에요 자려함 원하시면 좋은 선택일지는 모르겠어요 약간 아쉬울 수 있어요 그래서 제가 재수술 했거든요 근데 지금은 그 코가 눈이 편안하고 조화로운 코엿다는 깨달음이 와서 약간 후회합니다 ㅠ
얼굴과 조화로운 코를 만들어주는 병원이구요
어떤 분이 자연스럽게 못생겨진 느낌이라고 말하셨는데 어느정도 공감해요
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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ㅁㅌ 나도 가봐야겟다....
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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Cowon Plastic Surgery Clinic
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결론부터 말하자면 상담 받고 3일 뒤에 바로 수술 날짜 잡았어요ㅋㅋㅋ 1) 큰 의료사고 X 코 전문 병원 2) 의료사고시에 돌변 X 끝까지 책임지려는 의사 3) 원정님 미감=내가 원하는 디자인 이렇게 세 가지 조건 두고 고르고 골라 상담 받으러 갔고요 성예사에서 후기 보고 상담 받으러 갔는데 역시나 원장님 정말 친절하시더라고요... 상담실장님도 친절하신데 원장님이 인상도 밝으시고 나긋나긋 설명 잘 해주심 처음에 가면 CT 찍고 상담실장님과 원하는 디자인, 수술 여부 등등 간단하게 상담하면서 아이스브레이킹 후(?) 원장님 상담 들어갔고요~ 원장님이 사진을 또 찍어주세요! 그걸로 가상 성형 해주십니다(이거 진짜 성형 뽐뿌와요ㅋ) 원장님 상담 순서는 1) 제 얼굴 문제점(?) 설명 2) 그래서 어떻게 개선할 건지 구체적인 방법 설명 3) 재료 설명 4) 궁금한 점 추가 질문 이 정도였어요~ 이것저것 다 질문했는데 정말 친절하게 미소지어주시며 요목조목 설명해주시더라구요! 예약시간보다 한시간인가 상담 시간 딜레이 됐는데 여기서 풀림ㅋ 제가 작은 코인데 살도 없고... 피부도 얇고 원하는 게 자려한 라인이라 사실 고민 많이했거든요! 비침이나 부작용도 무섭지만 했는데 티도 안나는 코는 정말 싫어서요... 원장님한테 이렇게 말씀드렸더니 지금 코에서 위험 부담 없이 최대한 높이는 쪽으로 말씀하셔서 땅땅! 마음의 결정을 했어요! #수술 당일에 원하는 코/원치 않는 코 사진 준비해갔는데... 바쁘시면 그냥 받고 안보시잖아여... 그래도 어쩔 수 없지 했거든요? 꼼꼼하게 봐주시더라고요ㅠ 조만간 살없는 작은코 성공 후기 들고 올게여!
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