The last two places where I received counseling so far are rhinitis + silicone + nasal tip donation. I think the aftercare is good. The director gave the most detailed explanation out of the five places. It turns out that the review photo I was carrying around because I thought it was pretty was from here. ㅂㅈ Rhinitis + nasal septum + silicone + no need for donor ribs Usually, everyone said to raise the silicone up to 3.5-3.8m, but the director here said it wouldn't suit my 3-3.5m face with a high nose bridge, so I don't need to use the tip of my nose up to the donor rib and silicone + He recommended surgery using the ear cartilage at the tip of my nose. It was the only first surgery out of 5 places. He asked if it was necessary to use the costal margin. Perhaps because they did not use a donor rib, the surgery cost was about 1 million won cheaper than the 2nd hospital. They are functionally good and stable, and the only concern I have now is satisfaction with the surgery. Hey, I have a better nose bridge and a slightly boxy nose, but it should look natural, straight lines, and the tip of the nose will look stylish. 1. In my case, is it safe to raise the tip of my nose without using a donor rib? 2.Which of the two places plucks the tip of the nose more stylishly? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m really torn and worried. If you have a similar problem as me or someone who had surgery in one of the two places, please leave a comment! I like secret comments tooㅠㅠㅠㅠ