Job Review

[체형&바디] Review of Snow Clinic Consultation

Date 22.07.12 22:47:53 View 607

First of all, the director looked at me and recommended a full procedure because I had a lot of fat. I originally went only to see my double chin and jaw line. It was a reoperation, but there was an additional fee of 40 per area or something. The director who counseled me answered every question I asked. He did it for me, but he wasn't that friendly. Other than the additional fee for reoperation, it's the same as the event price listed on the app.

공녕냥's More Posts
Cmts 4
When did you decide to do it and can you write a review? I'm also planning to go on a snow adventure, but I'm curious about the reviews.
22-07-15 11:13
Oh hello?? I had the surgery!! Hahahaha I wrote a review haha ​​It's been 2 weeks now and I'm completely satisfied with most of the cheekbones that I touched for the first time haha ​​The swelling of cheeks and double chin is no joke ㅠㅠ Like the first time, I wanted my jaw line to be clearly revealed as soon as the gauze was removed. .ㅠㅠ Jae-soo said that the swelling is unusually high, but even though it is swollen now, it is much better than before. To be honest, except for the double chin, the cheekbones and jaw line seem to be in line and a lot of fat has disappeared, so I am very satisfied, but the double chin is especially severe. The swelling and stupid fat are ㅠㅠ. They said it was because it was the place where they removed the most.. haha ​​I'm going to Gojupa and Rams next week to get follow-up care, and I'll post a review after 1-3 months of care!! If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
22-07-16 05:08
How many follow-up treatments do you usually receive?
22-07-20 18:33
* this is a secret.
22-07-24 02:36
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