Job Review

[안면&양악] Review of the clown’s performance

Date 23.06.03 11:51:38 View 2,893

I thought I was a type of clown and only sold hand products and then started consulting, but I'm still not sure ㅠ It's very difficult to decide on a hospital ㅠㅠ First of all, the list is ㅂ, ㅇㅇㅂ, ㅇㅊ, ㅅㄷ, ㅇㅍㅅㅌ, ㄱㄹㅎ, ㄴㅈㅎ, and I only went to two places first . I had a consultation, but they said the earliest consultation would be in 2 months, so I canceled it haha.. I made an appointment for a consultation, but later they called me; When I asked if it was possible to change the consultation date to another day, I was told that it was difficult on the original consultation day, so I just got drunk and passed. ㅇㅇㅂ: It was a large group, but there was only one director doing the outline, and there was some waiting time. Are you in a hurry? He came to consult in a bit of a huff, but he seemed to have a cool speaking style. Rather than explaining the surgical method, he looked at the picture and said that the wider the gap between the bones, the more the surgery can be pushed in. The chin is not very wide so it is not recommended. It doesn't seem like excess. It was like, if you want to be greedy, do it. The consultation ended much too short compared to the waiting time, and the manager was reasonably friendly and decent. If you post an event + review, you get a discount and the price is cheap. ㅇㅊ: I didn’t think much about this, but the reviews seemed to be good, so I added it. Surgery will be halted until mid-June due to remodeling. I liked the fact that they only performed two surgeries a day, and the hospital atmosphere and director were awesome. It's not particularly unfriendly, but it's not unfriendly either. The director continued to listen and answer my story with a smile and a sparkle in his eyes. He was very confident in his surgical method and was confident in his answers to my questions. He doesn't seem to over-treat, and he seems to be careful about what he says. I was debating between 240 and 3D, but rather than recommending one over the other, I think 240 will work just as well, and if you want to be more ambitious about 45, go for 3D. They say they will proceed according to your choice. The consultation wasn't bad, but the manager's content and explanation of follow-up care was less than expected and seemed insincere, so I kept it for now. The cost of the surgery was higher than what the event advertised. There is an additional charge for this and that.   I'll try to write a review again after I've been to the rest. I'm wondering if the list is good and if there's a hospital you'd like to recommend, please leave a comment. I'm contemplating whether to include Bondi or ㅇㅇㄱㄱ on the list. ㄱㄹㅎ is the hospital I added last, but I'm worried because I often see the word "black" in it. If you know any information, please leave a comment.

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* this is a secret.
23-06-03 19:25
* this is a secret.
23-06-04 11:35
* this is a secret.
23-06-04 01:51
* this is a secret.
23-06-04 11:36
Thank you. I went to Soda, but the cost is really high. I heard it was 500 won, but it is cheaper elsewhere. With this money, I can even do inhalation in the future.
23-06-04 13:08
Wow, two months later?! I'm also thinking about it, but I need to schedule a consultation soon. Thank you for the review.
23-06-04 11:33
* this is a secret.
23-06-04 19:33
Thank you for your hard work~
23-06-04 23:29
ㄱㄹㅎ It’s black right?? I heard they got involved because they were confused with Little Face, who was ruined in an accident some time ago.
23-06-05 14:18
These are all famous places. I got a consultation and got reviews. Haha.
23-06-23 18:56
* this is a secret.
23-07-01 14:46
24-07-28 20:01
Banana Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
첫수임 상담비 없음 씨티 촬영 안 하심 씨씨티비를 실시간으론 보여주지 않는데 usb 가져오면 10-15만원 정도 내면 담아줄 수 있다고 하심 정확한 금액은 기억이 잘 안 남 근데 초상권 때문에 영상에 나오는 직원들한테 양해를 구해야 한다고 함 만약에 직원 중 누군가가 동의하지 않으면 영상을 줄 수 없거나 모자이크 비용을 내야 한다고 하심 업체에 따라 50-150만원..? 정확히 기억은 안 나는데 저만큼 내야 영상을 볼 수 있다고 하심 너무 확대해석 하는 걸 수도 있지만 그냥 안 보여줄 거고 보지 말라고 하시는 거 같았음 느낌이. 첫수임에도 불구하고 거의 재수술 비용이 나옴.. 복코교정+비순각교정+비주트리밍+코끝정점내리기+콧볼축소(절개+비절개)+메부리+코연장 으로 뭘 많이 말씀하심 근데 다른 병원에서도 비슷한 내용을 들어서 일부러 이것저것 추가한 건 아닌 거 같긴 했음 내용은 비슷한데 가격이 더 세서 놀람 재수술도 아니고 첫수인데.. 수술에 연골이 많이 필요한 코라고 하시면서 비중격을 열어보고 부족할 거 같으면 기증늑을 추가로 사용한다고 함 기증늑 한 장에 110만원이라 했고 두 장 쓰면 220만원 이렇게 추가된다고 함 그래서 그냥 아예 처음부터 자가늑을 쓰겠다고 한 금액이 750임.. 당일 예약하면 645만원까지 해줄 수 있다고 하셨고 당일 예약 안 하고 이것 저것 할인 받으면 715만원. 근데 자꾸 예산을 물어보시면서 그거에 최대한 맞춰주겠다고 함 근데 그럴 거면 그냥 처음부터 그 가격으로 말하지 예산을 말하면 맞춰줄 수 있다는게 이상했음.. 그래서 그냥 예산은 말 안 함 예산 가격으로 할 수 있는 걸 먼저 바가지 씌워서 말한 건가 생각도 들었음 그리고 원장님이 코 수술 예상 라인을 그려주심 원장님이랑 상담할 때 바로 옆에 실장님이 앉아서 상담 내용 컴퓨터에 기록하시는데 키보드 소리가 매우매우 컸음… 좀 거슬렸음..
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