Eye and nose puffing! First of all, my eyes have frontal Mongolian folds, and my nose is low and puffy! ㅅㄷㄹㄹ Order (Director - Director - Director) The director was kind. The director's consultation Eyes - upper epicanthoplasty, posterior epicanthoplasty, bridge of the eyes, double eyelid partial incision in-out was recommended. Nose - osteotomy, 4-5mm silicone on the bridge of the nose, and even a donor rib if the septal cartilage or ear cartilage is insufficient. , The eye consultation director who recommended nose bridge reduction was friendly, but the line he held was not my style. The director in charge of the nose seemed a little busy.. Still, he seemed to be good at understanding needs. ㅍㄹㅇㅂ Order (Director - Director - Manager ) Here are the two directors. The doctor was kind. Eyes - epicanthoplasty, double eyelid incision in-out recommended. Nose - osteotomy, silicone height of the nose bridge was determined after opening the nose. For the tip of the nose, she recommended autologous ribs or donor ribs. The director was kind and took care of only the necessary parts. And the line that holds the eyes was the style I wanted. The price was much more expensive than P.P., and there was a difference of about 200..