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[쁘띠&피부] Forehead fat grafting review

Date 23.05.27 16:55:01 View 881

I'll tell you my review of having fat grafting done about 2 years ago because I didn't like my forehead. First of all, I have almost no strength to open my eyes, so they open on my forehead, but I didn't know about it, so I had fat grafting and Botox on top of that, so after the surgery, I couldn't open my eyes and my face was plump and I felt like I wanted to die. So, I regret that I would have just bought it even if my forehead didn't become more convex. It was really hard for almost a year after I did it. And if you open your eyes with your forehead, unless you get double eyelids, you will continue to use your forehead muscles after fat grafting, so the fat will fall out unevenly. I got Botox to prevent that, but the fat is still not evenly distributed. And above all. If you only do the first round, you can see that almost all of it is gone. So I did the second round because it was so hard that I died after doing it. Rather than becoming prettier, my face got swollen and my eyes were so swollen that they almost closed and I couldn't open them, so I didn't do it because it was so hard. So, you really need to know for sure what you are worried about. I had to be sure that the procedure I was going to perform was suitable for my face. Instead of just blindly wanting to be pretty, you should take your time, think about it, research, and keep looking before making a decision so you won't have any regrets and will feel like you did the right thing!! I'll end here. With forehead fat grafting, the swelling will gradually go down from the forehead and there will be bruising. The important thing is to manage the swelling very well. I suffered for almost a year because I wasn’t good at managing the swelling ㅠㅠㅠ

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나랑똑같아 이마에 주기적으로 보톡스맞아줘야해..
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아... 걱정이네 담주에 이마 지방이식하러 가는데 ㅠㅠ
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고생했어 ㅠㅠㅠ
23-05-29 23:55
나도 이마 지이하고싶어서 알아보고있는데 나도 무쌍이라서 고민 좀 해봐야겠다
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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