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[가슴성형] Review of breasts (ㄱㄹ/ㅁㅂㅇ/ㅇㄴ)

Date 23.05.01 22:24:10 View 1,467

I used to get breast augmentation, but ended up not doing it, but I'm sharing a review of what I did . 1. ㄱㄹ (Animal) It's a large hospital that everyone knows about. I waited for about 10 or 20 minutes for a complete factory treatment. The manager was very motivated. He also had breast augmentation here. He said he had done it and even asked me to touch it (I didn't touch him) , but the doctor was very unmotivated -_- He came in with this look on his face and just took the measurements and said in an unmotivated voice, "I have a question." Even if you ask a passerby for directions, it's better than this. I thought it would be kind. If you review the dual plane , Menex costs up to 6.6 million won for life, and scar care is free for one year. Cryo 2. This place is not well known. But I went there because the reviews were good. Not promotion. However, I personally enjoyed the consultation, so I would like to recommend it to people around me. Consulted with a plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgery for nearly an hour . He showed me my PPT and listened to a lecture on breast augmentation. What impressed me was that it was an introduction to breast surgery in a university liberal arts class. It's the only one that analyzes my body type. My body type is one with protruding chest pain, so every time I get a pat on the back, I get told to close my chest(?). But the director here also mentioned that and said that for a body type like mine, the height of the implant should be different so that it doesn't rocket after the surgery. Building a sense of trust here Unlike in A, you put the implant directly into your clothes (in A, you just touch it) Lifelong as dual plane Partially public condition Motiva 1050 Mentor 800 Private condition Motiva 1100 Mentor 880 3.. ㅁㅂㅇ This is also a very famous place Waiting time It was short, so I got dressed and had the implants put in. The doctor seemed very proud. Slightly forceful tone. However, even if I went to see them later because I had side effects, I felt like they would force me to tell them that these were not side effects, so it was a bit harsh (very personal). I don't remember the price, but it was similar to Wonene. I was close to getting it from Wonene, but I just decided not to get breast augmentation and invest in it . I don't get much in return for the cost... I still have things to touch on, so I'm just going to live with this and ask if I have any other questions.

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맞아..수술은 최대한 안하는게 좋지. 혹시 세 곳만 방문한 거야? 나도 원느 가보려고 했거든..
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응응 세군데가보고 할꺼면 원느가야지하고 안갔어
23-05-23 19:05
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-23 10:42
여기가 검색이 잘 안되더라구요ㅠㅠ
23-05-23 19:05
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-23 19:05
ㅇㄴ가 신논현에 있는거 맞나? 원느가 아니라 윈느 아니양??? 나도 여기 후기 볼때마다 궁금했는데 상담이라도 받아볼까 ㅠ
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맞네.. 나 1년동안 잘못알고있었어
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