Job Review

[눈성형] ㅇㅇㄱㄹ/ㄴㅅㅎ/ㅁㅂ/ㄸㅋ Foot product review

Date 23.04.30 13:59:48 View 2,626

1 ) ㅇㅇㄱㄹ (Director ㅈㄱㅇ) - One -person hospital - Consultation  fee : Free within 1 year, anesthesia fee + material cost after 1 year - Sleep + local anesthesia - Visit the hospital after a week to have upper slit stitches removed - If there are no problems, visit the hospital every 1, 3, or 6 months to see the progress - Surgery time: No incision ( 30 minutes) + upper opening (20 minutes) - Cost: non-incision (970,000 won) + upper opening (420,000 won) = approximately 1.4 million won (partial disclosure conditions) - Number of surgical patients per day by the director: 2  - CCTV possession, submission purpose Available online - No forced reservation fee - Consultation information sent via KakaoTalk - Both the manager and director were very kind and explained in detail, which was great! There was no waiting time at all, and I filled out a list of questions in an Excel table, and the director looked at the table and explained every question I had, and the director also held the line several times. 2 ) ㄴㅅㅎ (Director ㄱㄷㅎ) - One-person hospital - Aftercare: Swelling injection + swelling laser + scar injection - AS period: 3 years - Sleep + local anesthesia - Incubation time: 30 minutes - Cost: KRW 760,000 based on same-day reservation - CCTV available - Reserve deposit and cancel 4 days in advance I placed a deposit because they said I would get a 100% refund if I did - they sent me the consultation details via KakaoTalk - there was no waiting time and the manager was very kind and I liked that he firmly told me things that were not necessary. However, the director only gave me one line, and it was too high for my liking, so I was disappointed. 3 ) ㅁㅂ ( Director ㅅㅇㅎ ) - 1-person hospital Local anesthesia - Surgery time: 40 minutes - Cost: 1.87 million won, basic discount 1.38 million won, 1.25 million won in cash, 960,000 won if you call and review on the day and pay in cash - CCTV, no need to look at the CCTV because you will be awake during the surgery - Forced deposit _ - I liked the director, but the manager didn't suit me a bit. I pulled out a list of questions and I don't know if he was offended by that or something, but he didn't seem very friendly. And I was a little embarrassed when they asked me how many counseling places I had received and where I could go further. 4) ㄸㅋ (Director ㄱㅎㅅ ) - 1 - person hospital - Aftercare: Laser for swelling - After-sales service period: Free if the swelling resolves within 1 year - Sleep + local anesthesia - Since it is a non-incision, there is no separate visit, but you may visit after a week to check the progress - Surgery time: 30 minutes - Cost: KRW 2.2 million for non-incision However, the event price is 1.3 million won (VAT excluded) (As an event, you must post on ㄱㄴㅇㄴ and ㅂㅂㅌ every 1, 2, 3 months and agree to the use of personal eye photos) - Reservation fee is forced Referee - I'm not sure about the waiting time. I went about 3 hours earlier than my original reservation time, so there was a bit of a wait. If you go according to your reservation time, there may not be a wait. Still, it was nice that the director gave me a brief consultation before surgery so I didn't have to wait too long.  - I felt like the manager was the most professional. Like the director, he held the lines several times and explained things to me. However, I was a little embarrassed when they asked me where I received counseling, but I didn't feel too bad. The director's explanation was also the most specific. Other places only mentioned non-incision as if I preferred non-incision, but Director ㄱㅎㅅ looked at it in detail by drawing a line on the difference between incision and non-incision eye correction. - I received a lot of help from Seongyesa, so I wrote it down in as much detail as possible, but I'm not sure if I can even write down the costs. If there is a problem, let me know!! I hope everyone can be of some help!

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2,4번 상담예정인데 후기 고마워
결정은 했어?
23-04-30 14:29
아니 아직 고민 중이야! ㅠ
23-04-30 15:51
후기 완전도움될듯 고마워
23-04-30 21:16
우와 ㅎㅎ 이쁘게 잘하길 바래~~
23-04-30 21:27
23-05-01 11:40
아직 고민중이세용?!!
23-05-01 12:51
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-02 09:29
상담 후기 완전 도움된당.. ㅜㅠㅠ 2,3,4 다 괜찮게 본곳이라 찾아보고 있었는데 거마워 ㅜ
23-05-02 10:39
나 4번에서 수술했는데 원장님이 결과 예쁘게 나올 수 있는 범위내에서 확실히 라인 여러개 잡아주면서 환자 의견 많이 반영하려고 하시는 게 느껴져서 결정한게 커,,, 본인이 원하는 이미지가 있다면 난 추천! 나도 실제로 내가 원하는 느낌 그대로 나왔거든 원장님이 환자들 얘기를 마니 들어주는 만큼 결과로 나타나는거 같앵ㅇ
 내가 걱정 많은 스탈이라 수술 전에 실장님께 이것저것 물어보고 그랬는데 예사가 느꼈던 것처럼 실장님도 전문적인 느낌으로 잘 알려주셧더 난 수술 전에도 그렇구 결과도 전체적으로 만족해잉
23-05-02 16:49
수술하면 붓기주사란것도 있나보네 레이저만 있는줄..ㅋㅋ ㅇㅇㄱㄹ 정보 고마워! 그럼 나도 상담 가게 되면 메모장 같은거 들고 갈 필요 없겠네?
23-05-02 17:37
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-02 19:00
후기 자세하고 좋다~~
23-05-05 19:13
23-05-10 20:18
후기 고마워~ 실장이 불친절하면 아무리 원장이 좋아도 그 병원에서 수술하기 싫어지는 거 같아ㅠㅠ
23-05-12 18:32
내가 알아보고 있는 병원들인데 발품 후기 공유 고마워
23-05-13 19:22
23-05-14 01:05
좋은 정보 고마워!!
23-06-19 19:19
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-07-07 11:20
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-07-09 08:24
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-07-09 17:01
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-09-06 11:14
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-09-24 22:26
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-09-24 22:24
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-09-24 22:26
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-09-24 22:30
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