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[etc] Consultation review of occiput head plastic surgery

Date 23.04.19 11:34:32 View 1,818

This is a head plastic surgery consultation to make the flat back of the head stick out more roundly. After searching, I found out that there are 5 famous head plastic surgery hospitals. (H, Sculpture, Item, Dr. Bone, Ohin) 1. H - Using 3D printer 2. Sculpture - Injection 3. Item - Injection 4. Dr. Bone -Injection 5. Oin-Injection and 3D printers all use bone cement materials. Using a 3D printer, the implant can be manufactured accurately in advance to fit the shape of the head, so the size can be freely created. The implant is smooth and there is no gap between the skull and the implant, so it is not noticeable when touched or viewed from various angles after surgery. On the other hand, the surgery cost is expensive (more than 10 million won), and if the incision area is large and the implant is large, the tension increases when the skin is closed, which may cause hair loss. The advantage of injection surgery is that the risk of hair loss is relatively low due to minimal incision, and the cost of the procedure is low . It is cheap (about 3 to 4 million won), but since bone cement must be injected into the head to create the shape of the implant, the size of the implant cannot be made accurately. If the amount injected is insufficient, satisfaction with the size may decrease, the implant may be bumpy, and the incision site may be damaged. There are disadvantages in that depression scars may occur and the interface between the skull and the implant is not smooth, so it may be visible when touched or viewed from various angles. When producing implants using a 3D printer, a 3D head CT scan is required, which costs about 300,000 won. If you use a 3D printer, you can be satisfied with an accurate shape compared to injection surgery, but if you get greedy and make the implant bigger, there is a risk of hair loss. If you use injection surgery, the shape may not be accurate and may be bumpy. Even if you are less satisfied, you are a little safer from hair loss  . I'm really worried about which one to choose.

파노바기's More Posts
Cmts 4
Wow, you also have head surgery? It's really amazing
23-04-19 15:22
H does a lot
23-04-19 21:30
Hair loss...I'm worried. Where does the head plastic surgery incision go?
23-04-23 02:11
Oh... I have a flat face too, but I'd rather just perm my roots. Hair surgery is scary. Because it contains the most important brain.
23-04-23 20:58
Contour Uijeongseok Plastic Surgery Clinic
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광대 튀어나온게 신경쓰여서 급으로 몇곳 상담 다녀보고했는데 지금까지 다녀온곳중에 여기가 제일 괜찮았음 원장님도 차분한데 솔직하신편임 ct찍었을때 뼈가 남들이랑 비교했을때 두꺼운편 전혀아니고 오히려 얇은편에 속한데 지금 광대에서 많이 밀어넣으면 얼굴이 오히려 좀 길어보일것같다고함 어차피 본인도 많이 치고싶은거아니고 걍 튀어나온 부분만 살짝 다듬고싶었음 후기도 그렇고 전체적인 평 보면 인형라인으로 유명한거같은데 모든 얼굴을 다 인형으로 치는건아니고 원하면 자연스럽게도 니즈반영해서 수술해주는것같음 당장 수술 계획은없어서 상담만 받고나왔는데 나중에 본격적으로 알아볼때 재상담 한번 더 가보려고함
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