I was curious about the contour, so I went to three places. First of all, I have severe cheekbones and a square jaw. I also have some fat on my cheeks, so I thought I should get liposuction if I needed it, so I looked around. I looked for reviews on hospitals and went to the ones I was curious about. They said they would definitely cover the back cheekbones. I went to the review and the director gave me a thorough and very kind consultation, but he also recommended temple reduction and other surgeries. I wondered if I needed it. Maybe I have a big head... Anyway, they didn't force me to pay a deposit. My friend had the surgery and the results looked good. I heard there were a lot of reservations for a consultation , so I think it was a good idea to make one in advance. The director was kind and the consultation was the longest. I thought I had to go for surgery, but he explained it to me the moment I left. It seemed like he had a lot of pride in the upward fixation of the cheekbones without sagging cheeks. Cheekbones + long curved squares I was recommended chin + zygoma. ㄱㄹㅎ is famous for its contour and I was curious, so I went for a consultation. Before the actual consultation, the director emphasized that it was an honest style, and there was a separate consultation fee of 20,000 won. I also received a recommendation for square jaw + cheekbones. I think it would be good to do jihyeop together, and cheekbones are also effective. It seems like it would be good. Each hospital seems to have its own pros and cons, and after visiting them, the hospital I like seems to be sorting out little by little... I think I'll just look at the remaining two and decide.