Job Review

[눈성형] Eye product review

Date 23.02.15 15:39:18 View 2,171

10 years ago, I only had burial surgery, and the lines are still well maintained, but the right side of my eye is less open, double wrinkles have appeared in the front of my head, and the asymmetry has become worse as the front lines are getting eaten away on both sides, so I'm looking into reoperation. I'm worried because the consultations at all the places I've been to are different  . I'm in the middle of it. If possible, I would like to ask keen experts to provide valuable opinions on whether I should do it here or go to further consultation. 1. ㅇㅇㅂ (Gangnam-gu Office) 1-person director - Non-incision eye correction + in-out with both burials. Eye asymmetry is ongoing. It appears more asymmetrical because the fascia is congenitally weak. - Eyes that absolutely need eye shape correction. - Not recommended for epicanthoplasty. Local anesthesia after sedation. 2. ㅁㅅㄹㅇ - Incision eye correction - Consultation was more friendly and focused on facts than expected. - My eyes are fine now. The doctor who did the first surgery did a great job. Other people may not be aware of eye asymmetry, but it is something you care about, so lower your expectations for surgery. - You should be aware that there are limits to improvement due to the asymmetry of the face itself, and the space between the eyes and eyebrows is narrow, so it is not possible to enlarge the eyes or raise the lines excessively.   Place the line slightly above the current burial line and make it as visible as possible from in front of your eyes. Sleep anesthesia x, local anesthesia.  - It's hard to find reviews here, and the ratings aren't as good as I thought. I wonder if it's because they're so popular, but they talk about the eye problems in more detail than I thought. 3. ㅇㅍ (ㅇㅈㅇ) - Slight incision and upper slit are recommended (eye correction is optional) - The person was kind and looked at me closely, and the ratings were good here and there, so I was concerned. However, the app reviews did not give me the feeling I wanted.  4. ㄸㅋ (ㄱㅎㅅ) - In-out non-incision + slight upper slit is recommended. No need for eye correction. - I recommend organizing the lines like this first and then doing a forehead lift later. The space between the eyes and eyebrows is narrow, and the forehead is also narrow, so elevation can be effective.   All of the 123 lines you provided were fine, and I decided on line 2, which is slightly higher than the current one. It is more expensive than expected. - The person was friendly, but it felt like the level of detail was a bit lacking compared to other places. It is said that he is very meticulous during surgery. 5. ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ (ㄱㅅㅇ) - He was very kind and looked at me closely, and recommended that I only do an eyebrow lift + burying a single stitch in the front of my eyes. - Since the space between the eyes and eyebrows is narrow and the skin is a bit saggy rather than fat, he said it would be a good idea to tighten the lines in front of the eyes and get an eyebrow lift. He looked at my face closely, but I was concerned that it might be too early to get an eyebrow lift.   In that case, I think a forehead lift would be better later.   In addition, he recommended that it would be a good idea to do fat grafting on the cheekbones as well, but this was something I had not thought about, so I think I should go for another consultation.  In general, everyone was friendly and the counseling was good, but I was concerned that while those with a little more years of experience would be more stable, they might lack a bit of a trendy feel, and the content of the counseling was slightly different, making it more difficult to make a choice. Especially the part about eye correction ㅠ The additional places I would like to visit here are ㅅㅅ, ㄱㄹㅂ (ㅂㅈㅊ), ㅇㄷㅍ (Apgujeong), and ㄱㄴ. Is there a place worth skipping here, and do you have any opinions on the consultation content above or the hospital? I would appreciate it if you could talk to me! ㅠ

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