It was the first time I had undergone plastic surgery, so it was difficult even to find a list of hospitals . Consultation was conducted in the order of director-director-director, and the waiting time was enormous, probably because it was a large hospital.. I was afraid to wait to meet the director . many. I will cut it down as much as possible ㅇㅇ It felt like this. It wasn't a sincere consultation... There was a slight recommendation for a deposit. 2. I went to Gangnam because I liked the photo of the app review. Manager's kindness. The director is a bit blunt, but he seems to have a professional energy.. The plaque of appreciation he received from the patient is impressive... The atmosphere of the hospital and the feeling of the director are okay. Due to my personality, it's annoying to go around several hospitals and it's hard to find a list, so I just stopped going to the hospital tour and originally intended to do it here. By the way, I asked for 3 types of outlines, but they asked me to do only clowns with sweet pumpkin... But I want to do 3 types... Is my face really a face that only needs to be clown? I was really worried... So I decided to go to one more hospital. Well, since the director has 20 years of experience, it's impressive to visit the director first. The director is very kind and calm. Imagine yourself. Looking at my CT, I compared it with a general female jaw skeleton, and said that I should do all three types. He showed me a picture of his surgery case, found a face case similar to mine, and showed me before and after. Oh, should I do it here? I wanted to, but I melted at the word that I would make it safe and pretty if I leave it to the surgery, and I accepted the date of the surgery on 2/17, but I was so nervous and scared.. It wouldn't be ruined..? ㅠㅠ