Job Review

[코성형] Review of Busan nose surgery

Date 23.02.04 20:36:47 View 981

There are no reviews of local products, so I am writing this. 1. Busan Otolaryngology Clinic - Consultant: Director Kim Moo-geon - Cost: I don't remember the consultation fee separately because I didn't write it down - Consultation details   I originally visited the hospital because I was prescribed positive airway pressure here.   I had severe nasal congestion, so I talked about nasal septum surgery, and the director talked about nasal septum, nasal valve, and inferior turbinate surgery.   Overall, the explanation was friendly and it was nice that they used things like 3D photos to give a rough idea of ​​what it would look like after the surgery.   However, he explained in passing that artificial implants (mesh) could also be used, but I didn't know exactly what they were, so I had to search more when I got home.   In the case of mesh material, opinions seem to still be divided among doctors, so it may not be a good choice for those who are sensitive to artificial implants.   The hospital is large and clean. However, when I tried to discuss the cost, the person at the desk said that the surgery details had not been decided yet so I would consult later, but when I went to another hospital, I found out that this hospital was strange. It was my first time receiving CPAP treatment, so even if the initial consultation had gone well, I would have gone ahead with the surgery right away. I think this was a case of missing a patient because of the staff. 2. Samsung Medi ENT Clinic - Consultant: Director Park Soo- won - Cost: I don't remember the cost of the consultation because I didn't write it down separately - -   I visited the hospital because   it came up when you search for the nasal septum. Once I went to the appointment time, I was told to wait a moment because it was a short surgery. I waited for over a minute.   I underwent surgery in an uncomfortable condition, but the director had confidence in the surgery.   However, it seemed like the focus was on cosmetic surgery, security, and functional surgery, and he said he did not recommend nasal valve surgery.   The location was good, but the facilities didn't feel that clean. 3. Co&Ping ENT Clinic - Consultant: Director Ho-min Lee - Cost: I don't remember the consultation fee separately because I didn't write it down - - After consultation number   2, I began to think in earnest about whether hospital number 1 was overly recommending surgery.   The hospital was recently opened, so the facilities were very clean and the director was friendly (he seemed to have opened his own practice after working at another general hospital).   This person also said that septal surgery was necessary, but that there was no need to touch the nasal valve.   There was a separate person giving consultation, and he was wearing a nameplate that said he was a head nurse, and his explanation focused on the inconvenience of entering/discharging rather than the plastic surgery department.   I liked it so much that I thought I should have surgery here if I only wanted to have a purely functional nose surgery. (The cost was also the cheapest) 4. Easysum Otolaryngology - Consultant: Director Seungju Lee - Cost: I don't remember the consultation fee because I didn't write it down separately. - - Consultation details   : I took a CT photo, and it was a bit awkward because another CT photo was taken.   However, the director was very kind and gave the most detailed explanation. I don't have any experience with plastic surgery, so it's a bit burdensome.   As soon as the consultation began, he pointed out my current nose problem and said that I needed cosmetic surgery anyway because the nasal valve stenosis was severe.   He even personally explained the price of the surgery, which I liked.   However, I am hesitant because there are not many reviews. 5. Yun Otolaryngology (for reference only) - Consultant: ??? Director - Cost: I don't remember the cost of the consultation because I didn't write it down - - Consultation details   I couldn't figure out what to do with 2 people doing cosmetic surgery and 2 people doing functional surgery, so I stopped by an ENT clinic that doesn't do surgery on the way home.   The doctor was an old doctor who had been practicing otolaryngology for a long time. He seemed to have worked at a university hospital for a long time,   so he just stopped by to get his opinion from a functional perspective rather than a surgical perspective.   At first, the plastic surgery clinic gave me a strange diagnosis and told me bluntly that they were going to do nasal valve surgery and that they wouldn't write a written opinion. So I was just going to leave, but they said they would look at me for now, so I went to see the doctor.   However, after looking at the nasal endoscopy, he said that he thought it was nasal valve stenosis and that if he wanted to breathe easily, it would be better to have nasal valve correction.   After hearing this story, my doubts that doctors 1 and 4 may have overdiagnosed me in an attempt to get plastic surgery disappeared a little.   In fact, now I am worried about whether I should go all the way to Seoul hospitals. This is my first post like this, so I don't know if it will have all the information others want. If you have any questions, please leave a comment~

갈매기2's More Posts
Cmts 10
Wow, so many and detailed! Thank you ㅜㅜ
23-02-05 04:12
Thank you
23-02-06 12:50
I'm also in Busan. It's a good place to live even after surgery, but this is my 5th rhinoplasty. I'll keep this in mind. Thank you for your hard work.
23-02-07 06:43
Thank you for the very detailed review! great job!
23-03-06 23:38
나도 그래서 서울가려고ㅠ
23-11-15 00:43
24-04-02 08:50
후기 감사합니다! 부산에서 기능코 수술이랑 같이 하는 것 찾기가 너무어렵네용..
24-08-26 15:22
혹시 어디서 했을까요? 만족하나요?
24-08-26 17:43
서울에서 발품팔았을 때는 병원에서 모두 비밸브까지 수술해야 한다고 했습니다. 교통 및 비용 때문에 고민하다가 1 ~ 200 때문에 평생 후회하고 싶지 않아서 서울에서 수슬했습니다. 비중격만곡증, 비밸브, 휜코 교정했습니다. 비밸브는 보험적용되었습니다. 워낙 심했어서요.
코에 대한 컴플렉스가 그닥 없는 상황에서 코끝 수술로 인한 불안감(코끝 딱딱해짐, 부작용에 대한 걱정)이 더 클 것 같아서 코끝은 높이지 않았습니다.
원장님은 코끝 높이나 안 높이나 그닥 차이는 없고 기왕하는 거 높이자고 했지만 기능 수술만 했습니다.(비용 차이 없음) 솔직히 원장님이 보여주시는 성형 후기 사진을 봤을 때 코끝 수술 전후 차이를 잘 모르겠더라구요. 제가 둔해서 그럴 수도 있고 수술 안정성과 자연스러움에 초점을 둬서 그럴 수도 있을 것 같습니다
수술을 잘 해서인지, 체질인 피도 그닥 많이 나지 않았고 평소에 입으로 자주 숨쉬어서 솜으로 인한 불편함도 크지 않았습니다. 처음에는 코끝이 딱딱해서 이럴 거면 높일 걸 하는 후회도 했는데 지금은 다시 말랑말랑해져서 만족 중입니다.(다만 휜코 교정중에 비주에 연골을 덧 대서 약간 단단함은 느껴집니다.) 숨쉬는 것도 훨씬 편해졌고 코도 자유롭게 만질 수 있어서 좋습니다. 휜코는 정말 절묘하게 펴주셨네요. 얼굴 자체가 틀어져 있어서 쉬운 수술은 아니라고 다른 병원에서도 이야기 했엇습니다. 병원은 신논현 ㅋㅂㅈ입니다. 서울대 출신 1인 원장 병원입니다. 병원 위치, 원장님 스텝 친절도, 가격 등 좋은 선택이었다고 생각합니다.
24-08-26 21:56
알려줘서 고마워요!
24-08-27 13:53
Finish Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
다른 병원에서 첫코 했는데 시간 지날수록 점점 코끝 처짐+내가 원하는 모양이 아님 스트레스 받는데 그냥 살까 하다가 후기 괜찮아서 여기 전화해봤는데 다행이 내가 원하는 시간에 가능해서 다녀왔음 여기 말고도 몇 군데 다녀왔는데 여기 상담도 상당히 기억에 남는 병원임 실장님들도 다 예쁘게 생기셨구 병원 인테리어 약간 그 제주도 카페 느낌나서 좋았음ㅋㅋㅋ 박귀용원장님 상담도 엄청 자세하게 봐주시는데 뭐가 문제였는지 왜 첫수술이 실패인지 다 봐줬고 자가늑 엑스레이 찍고 그걸로 자가늑 사용 가능한지 불가능한지 봐줬음 다행히 난 사용 가능하다고 했고 자가늑 전문적으로 하는 느낌이 컸음
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