Job Review

[코성형] Reviews from local people (honest reviews)

Date 23.01.22 21:07:31 View 1,734

ㄱㄹㄷ Plastic Surgery (Director ㅇㅅㅎ) - First of all, I made a reservation for 2 o'clock, but he asked me to change it the day before, so I went at 2:30, and the consultation with the director seemed to be longer. I was a bit excited because it was my first nose consultation, but the director said it seemed like it only lasted 5 minutes. I had a city photo shoot, and they told me to look at my face and smile, and that my nose was crooked and that I needed to correct it. I knew that I had to go for the next surgery because the consultation with Dr. First of all was insincere, but based on my bet, I thought the surgery wouldn't be possible here. I remember they also showed me a picture of my nose. I don't think we talked about it lol.. ㅊㅅㅇ Plastic Surgery Clinic (Director ㅊㅅㅊ) - I think I went there around 3:30. First of all, the people at the desk were friendly and the manager was very friendly and we talked well. The director gave a very long consultation, but that's it. I think that's why I waited a little longer for 30 minutes. I remember leaving the hospital at 6 o'clock haha. Still, the consultation was a bit long, but I thought it would be safe to do it here. But I have a complex about the bokko, will that be an improvement? I asked, and he said he was disappointed, but I went to a place where he knew they wouldn't do too much surgery, but he told me that my complex wouldn't go away and that I needed to put 5-6 milliliters of silicone! The price was okay, but since it was only a one-time surgery, I thought I should be a little more careful, and when I read the reviews, it seemed like the nose I wanted wouldn't come out. Oh, I took all the shots at Citi, and ㄱㄹㄷ said I needed to correct the crooked nose and reduce the bridge of the nose, but here, they said let's just lift the bridge of the nose first. You did it! He didn't talk about it here in the style I showed him in the photo. ㅍㄹㅈ Plastic Surgery Clinic (Director ㅅㅇㅅ) - I didn't take a picture of Citi and talked to the director first. The waiting time was about 5-10 minutes, and the director himself was very calm and I took care of my complex first. I talked to him and told him that I wanted to do something like this, so he did it. He lifted my nose with a cotton swab and told me that it shouldn't be done this way and that it would be done this way. He said he would make it as best as possible based on the picture he showed me. LOL The director who accepted me for the first time... I didn't consult with the director for very long. Wasn’t it about 5-7 minutes here? But I think I said it because I was told to ask if I had any questions. First of all, I thought that the part I had a complex about would definitely improve. Look pretty and natural! I guess I'll know what to do, but haha. I talked to the manager, but he said it was burdensome because the price quote was high, and he asked me to leave reviews for two places. So I think he took off about 40, but I was wondering if he could do that much.. haha, he said he would give me a box of pumpkin juice. That's a bit much. It looks like it will be comfortable. This is my first rhinoplasty, and I don't think I'll ever have a second nose surgery in my life, so even if it's fat, I'll lose a lot of money, but I'm doing my best! And the side effects are scary!!! I'm planning to go there for the last time next week, but it's hard to find my way.., my review is here.

오늘도힘내쟈's More Posts
Cmts 15
I also stayed in Seoul from the provinces and went to work. Haha, I had a hard time..! If I can't find a place I'm sure I'll go to, I'm thinking about not doing it. First of all, I hope there's a place I like among the places I go to.
23-01-22 21:11
Thank you! It’s great to find a place to stay and spend some time on your own! It will save you a lot of time and you will definitely find a nice place and a safe place to go.
23-01-22 21:21
I'm also a fat person, so thanks to you, I learned a lot of good things.
23-01-23 13:16
오옹 고마워 ㅎㅎ ! 예사도 많은정보로 수술할때 잘되길 바래
23-01-23 13:19
나도 지방러인데 소중한 발품후기 고마워!! 참고할게~~
23-01-23 21:52
웅 좋은정보가 되었다면 다행이당 ! ㅎㅎ 꼭 좋은정보로 수술할때 또좋은결과있길 바랄께!
23-01-23 22:49
너무 고마워 꼭 참고할께!
23-01-23 22:01
웅웅~~ 좋은정보였으면 다행이다! 좋은선택있길 바랄께!
23-01-23 22:49
나도 두번의 코수술은 없다는 마음으로 엄청 다녔더니 더 고민되서 브레이크 걸린상황 ㅠㅠ 쓰니는 야무지고 현명한 선택 하길 바래
23-01-24 11:02
ㅠㅠㅠ그랬구나 나도 오히려 발품 팔수록 코는 더어려운것같아 ㅠㅠㅠ마지막으로 나도 발품팔아보고 안되면 고민해봐야겠어 고마워!!
23-01-24 14:29
나도 ㅍㄹㅈ 손원장님 생각중인데 상담시간 짧구나ㅠㅠㅠ
상담가게되면 질문할거 적어가야겟다ㅠㅠ고마워!!!
23-01-27 01:12
도움이 되었다니 다행이다~~ 상담 잘하구왕!!!
23-01-28 03:01
나도 지방러고 ㅍㄹㅈ 상담 갈 생각인데 덕분이 도움됐어 고마워~~~
23-01-28 02:17
ㅎㅎ도움이되었으면 다행이다~~ 상담 잘받구 좋은선택되길 바래!!
23-01-28 03:02
나도 ㄷㄷㅇ ㅊㅅㅊ 원장님 상담 담주에 가는데 거기 혹시 ct도 찍어줘? 저번에 발품간곳은 한군데는 그냥 기증늑 사용하라고 했는데 다른곳은 비중격연골로만 해도 된다고 해서 ㅠㅠ ㄷㄷㅇ 후기보면 좋은데 뭔가 정보가 많이 없어서 걱정돼 ..
23-04-08 14:40
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