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[코성형] ㅁㅁ, ㅋㅇㅇㅇ ㅇㅎ Kobal Pum Review

Date 22.06.12 16:42:43 View 2,145

I am a garlic nose with a low, blunt nose! Its my first nose surgery and its natural! Ive been consulted with two places where Im talking about,,, Im planning on consulting next week. I ran, but they were so kind.. I simply wrote the purpose of the operation, whether the operation was performed, and the CCTV consent form, and went to see the director. Wait x Doctor? When the director comes in, take off my mask and look at my entire face. Check 3.5mm under the nose? You said, but this is meaningless.. I was wondering what would happen after the silicone nose bridge + nose tip ear cartilage surgery, but there is no mention of what kind of silicone it is. They say that the cartilage of the nose is not developed or that it is a nose that lacks fat.. If you make a mistake, it is recommended that you slightly increase it because you will get plastic surgery. Do not take off the mask during the consultation with the director. Went for a consultation on a Saturday and waited about 20 minutes. There are waiting customers When you go to the consultation with the director, write down what you are worried about. This can be improved in any way, but this is impossible. Improve the spread of your nose when you smile. ..) He said that cartilage rearrangement or filling with donated dermis is needed to improve the feeling of a stuffy nose (donation is said to be slow absorption) It was good to be able to predict what kind of nose it would be by pointing out the nose line and angle one by one. (Ear cartilage if insufficient) + Cartilage rearrangement to improve a stuffy nose (donated dermis if insufficient) Director Lee Li-shim came in in the middle of the waiting consultation and seemed to want to finish it quickly Ive been thinking a lot.. Im planning to do both eyes and nose for the second time, but when I said that I want to improve the rustic feeling in a stylish way, they said that the eyes would be more dramatic than the nose, so I think I should re-select the eye hospital list. Im in a hurry to match it.

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Cmts 14
Im going to the Mint rhinoplasty consultation.. Im afraid the doctor will be scared
22-06-13 11:09
Its not scary and the annoyance is strong. Please explain everything...
22-06-14 14:07
wish you good luck
22-06-13 12:02
When is ㅇㅇㅇㅇ?? I used to have my nose here, but when I go to a counselor, he honestly tells me the level of improvement, so it helps a lot.
22-06-13 12:50
Reservations here are very late ㅠㅠ Its the 6/27th, but the vacation ended before that, so I wont be able to go unless there are cancellations.
22-06-14 14:06
The surgical method is a little different from mine, but I raised the nose and narrowed the septum at the tip of the nose.
22-06-13 17:27
I think the mint will do well, but Im worried because the price is high.
22-06-14 14:07
thank you!
22-06-16 05:40
How much does mint nose surgery cost? Its expensive, but Im curious.
22-06-20 14:57
In my case, they called 520!
22-06-21 10:53
나도 가격 알수있을까? 여기 예약걸어놨엉ㅎㅎ
22-06-24 00:23
thank you for the information
22-06-21 16:12
정보공유 감사합니당
22-08-01 23:53
ㅁㅌ 원장님 상담중에는 마스크를 벗지 않는다는게 코를 직접 보고 말씀하시는게 아니라 사진만 보고 말씀하신다는건가요??
23-02-26 18:17
Epic Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
서울에서 두번째로 방문해본 병원. 처음 병원이 쏘쏘이기도 했고 자연스럽게 잘 하기로 유명한 병원이라 기대가 제법 있었는데 라인 잡아준 게 제일 마음에 들었음. (병원은 총 5군데 방문해봤고 앞선 두 곳은 사는 지역 병원, 나머지 세 곳은 서울에서 자연스럽게 잘 하고 재수술 잘 하는 병원 위주였음) 절개와 지방제거 200만원대인데 홈페이지에 눈 공개하면 150만원대로 떨어지고 절개, 눈매교정, 지방제거는 303만원이고 눈 공개시 200만원대로 떨어졌음. 가격도 생각보다 괜찮아서 엄청 혹한 곳인데 수술할 때 원장님 뵙고 그 이후에는 한 달차에나 만나뵐 수 있다고 함. 개인적으로 이게 좀 마음에 안 들긴 하는데 진짜 제일 마음에 들었던 곳이라 그거 감수하고 여기로 잡아볼까 고민되는 곳 중 하나임...... AS기간은 1년, 수술할 때 붓기 주사 같이 들어가고 흉살 생기면 흉살 주사까지 들어간다고 했음. 원장님이 좀 바빠보이셨는데 그점이 마음에 걸려서 그렇지 조곤조곤 상담 잘 해주시고 라인 예쁘게 빼주신 점은 진짜 크게 마음에 듦...... 이미 몇 군데 돌아봐서 내 눈에 맞는 수술은 뭔지 그런 걸 알고 있어서 상담실장님께 크게 여쭤본 건 없는데 이런 사람이 처음인 건지 엄청 당황하시는 것 같았음. 몇 번이나 궁금한 거 없으세요? 물어보시는데 최대한 쥐어 짜내서 여쭤본 게 사후 관리였음. 근데 그 답변이 영 시원치 않아서 차마 더 물어볼 게 없다고는 못 함...... 여태 다닌 병원 중 제일 사람 많고 원장님도 바빠 보이셨음.
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