Job Review

[안면&양악] Contour Consultation Reviews

Date 22.06.10 01:00:19 View 624

I went to View Plastic Surgery, but I was relieved because it wasnt good. I was worried that I wouldnt be able to make a choice just by searching the internet, but when I go to a counselor, I get filtered out. It is a very large hospital, and the waiting time is about 30 minutes. I dont know if its because Im not the right case for contouring, but it feels like the manager and the director are consulting roughly mechanically... If you want to do what you want, that it will be nothing but line alignment, the answer is to have a double jaw, but for a double jaw, the occlusion is good and its reflected... I didnt even talk for 10 minutes. What is the nuance you are talking about to pay this money to cut this major surgery? This is what it feels like. I felt like I was just reciting a formal manual during the consultation with the head of the department. I asked if anyone had a slightly shaved face from a long face like mine, asking me to show you before and after photos. Rather, I asked while covering up. Then I asked if there was a Western music, and they said that I dont do Western music on my face like this, so I had to say, yes.... It felt like john. Of course, the conversation was kind. I havent received contour counseling anywhere else, so I just thought I was someone who didnt need contouring, but it was a bit of a disappointment because it felt like I was just getting too busy with my work and finishing the counseling too quickly. So Im going to take it easy and get more advice from other places!

jajaja1004's More Posts
Cmts 8
I like the doctor who gives advice on this and that
22-06-10 03:45
Ego, I havent been able to go to counseling yet, so Im still looking for it online, but Id be sad if I said I couldnt cut it because its too close to the nerve line..ㅜㅜ
22-06-11 10:11
Thats right, I think doctors who recommend too much should be filtered out.
22-06-12 18:30
I think it would be nice to have a doctor who only talks about what is necessary.
22-06-13 14:04
Im looking into it for myself, but I think Id be sloppy if I said I didnt need to touch the bones ㅜㅜ ㅜㅜ ..
22-06-14 20:02
애초에 윤곽이나 양악 수술할 케이스가 아니였나봐요...
22-06-23 15:32
딸 윤곽상담 원했는데 19세 미성년자라 20살 이후에 하라고 해서 웬지 믿음 가드라구요. ㅂ랑 ㅂㅌ 두곳이요.
22-07-03 21:15
저도 알아보고 있는데 글 덕분에 조금 보는 눈이 생겼네여 ㅜㅜ
22-07-20 21:40
Grace O&Young Plastic Surgery
hospital info
가슴이 작은 게 평소 콤플렉스여서 그레이스오앤영에서 수술 결심했습니다! 몸무게 45kg 가슴사이즈 70a 멘토엑스트라스무스 380cc 흉통 좁고 약간 새가슴인 편 최문섭원장님 굉장히 가슴에 대해 전문적이고, 프라이드가 높아보이셨어요. 알기쉽게 설명해주셔서 좋았고, 다소 츤데레 스타일이지만 ㅋㅋ 너무 무겁지 않은 분위기로 싱담해주셔서 좋았습니다! 또 다른 병원에서는 사이즈 제한이 많은 걸로 아는데 환자의 니즈대로 해주시려 하는 스타일이셨어요. 실장님도 친절하셨고, 차근차근 자세히 설명해주셨습니다!! 짧게 상담해주시는 곳도 많은데 촉박하게 상담하지 않은 부분이 좋았어요! 수술 예약 압박도 없었고, 상담 끝난 후에도 카톡으로 궁금한 점 모두 알랴주셔서 감사했습니다..!! 수술 다음날 진통제 먹으니 통증이 많이 없었어요. 다만 누웠다 일어날 때 4일차까지 많이 아팠고, 5일차부터 찌릿찌릿한 감각 있었소, 근육이 수축?하는지 근육경련하듯이 혼자 막 움직였어요 ㅠㅠ 근데 팔 가동성도 많이 좋아졌고, 6일차 되니 아프지 않았어요! 운동을 못해서 살이 더 쪘는데도 날씬해보이고, 지금은 팔 드는 건 아무렇지 않게 가능해요~~ 이제 i골도 생기고 가슴도 볼륨있게 커져서 만족합니당~~^_^
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