Job Review

[눈성형] Busan Ssangsu Valpum (Only able to visit 2 locations, in progress)

Date 22.12.22 14:13:22 View 1,274

1. ㅍㄹㅅㅌ Actually, I didn't even know the name, but a friend of mine recommended it to me, so I went there. The hospital itself has just opened, but I heard that the director here opened the hospital after working somewhere else (the acquaintance also did the same there) Director > Director Consultation order (Total of 20 minutes?) The incision + eye correction + upper eyelid surgery director made a good impression and actually gave a lot of explanation. He even drew a picture and explained it by pressing his own eyebrows, which made me laugh a little at the time. But he drew the line with a toothpick, so is it really like this... ? Even though I didn't know anything, he held the line several times and asked questions. But what I wanted was a natural feeling, but it was my first consultation, so I couldn't explain that. Later, I said I wanted to do it inline, so I got it, but I wasn't really into it. The price was cheap. It was on my side, but later during the consultation with the manager, I received a 100,000 won injection? I was a little hesitant because they said it was a mandatory procedure for most surgeries. 2. ㅇㅎㅅ Since I live in Busan, they didn't make all the reservations on the same day, and they made them sparsely, so I went home right away after the first consultation . There are thin parts, and I've seen so many bad reviews that even if I die, I won't do it here. I'll just look at the diagnosis and see what the consultation director says. I've heard well that you have to pay a deposit to see the surgery, but I consulted at the counter haha. I grabbed it once with the iron bar in the line barrel. When I asked him about the epicanthoplasty, which was the same incision + eye bridge + upper eyelid surgery after showing it to him, he was shocked and completely stopped me. But looking at other reviews, it seems like this place recommends a lot of upper eyelid surgery? First of all, I'm trying to skip places where I can't see the director.. ---------------------------------- Now is the time to get started. I'm working hard to find a hospital,, ㅈㅅㅎ, ㅋㅇㅇㅈ, ㄷㅍㅇㅅ I've already made a reservation, so there's still a long way to go. I need to go somewhere else, but I have until Monday to go and decide, so I'll be able to make a good trip. ㅠ

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나도 부산 발품돌고있는데 ㅜㅜㅜ 진짜 모르겠다 ..,..,..
22-12-22 15:44
어디 가야 성공할수있는건지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 월요일까지 다 돌고 다시 정리해서 글 쓸건데 그 때 조금이라도 도움됐음 좋겠다
22-12-22 19:32
나도 ㅇㅎㅅ 상담받으러 가봤었는데 환자 입장에서 의사를 만나지 못한다는게 좀 그랬어.. 아무래도 수술은 실장이 아니라 의사가 하는거니까 말이야 ㅠㅠ
22-12-22 22:35
ㅇㅎㅅ 친구가 라인은 자연스럽게 잘 됐어서 나도 잡아줄때 혹하긴했는데 .. ㅜ 다른곳도 실장상담때문에 진짜진짜 고민한 곳 있었는데 의사 상담때 짜게 식어버렸어 ㄹㅇ공감
22-12-29 11:09
혹시 ㅈㅅㅎ 가보셨나요 ? 어때요
22-12-28 16:45
원장님이 들어가자마자 말없이 라인 여러 번 잡아보시고 (처음에는 혼자보심) 거울 보고 보여주신 뒤에 설명 쭉 해주셨어요 다른 병원들 더 가보고 여기 원장님 진단이 맞는 것 같아 예약잡았습니당 1월에 수술요ㅜ 후기가 잘 안 보여서 불안해요
22-12-29 11:13
* 비밀글 입니다.
22-12-30 09:07
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-01-02 14:51
ㅈㅅㅎ에서 앞트임도 하시나요?
23-01-03 22:36
저는 안 했는데 앞트임 하시더라구요 다른 트임은 거의 안 하시는 것 같던데 한 번 상담받아보세요
23-01-04 21:35
여기서 쌍수했어요! ㅎㅎ
23-01-10 12:05
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-03-08 11:25
정보감사합니다 저 엄청 예전에 어릴때 ㅇㅎㅅ에서 했는데 지금 생각하면 수술당일날 의사쌤 뵈었는데 ㅋㅋ말도안되네용
23-03-01 20:33
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-03-08 11:26
ㅇㅎㅅ 후기가 엄청 많아서 고민되네요...
23-04-09 23:44
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