Job Review

[눈성형] Review of Gangnam Eye Ssangsu Valpum Chosen as ㄷㄹㅅ, ㅋㄹㅁ/ ㄷㅇㅇ

Date 22.12.09 18:43:28 View 2,130

First of all, the director of Caramel, ㄱㅈㅎ, immediately identified the problem as soon as I came in. However, what I wanted was semi-out, but he kept mentioning in-out. I was convinced after seeing the reviews and photos. The lines were clean and he was good at in-out. The hospital atmosphere was good, and the director was also neat. There was no need to do a bottom slit in the back. They only told me what I needed. After-sales service was available for 2 years and swelling management was unlimited. The price range was the highest. However, I wanted to go semi-out, but I didn't choose because I was afraid it would come out like an in-out. As for ㄷㄹㅅ, I honestly liked the director's line the most. He held it several times, but since the price was cheap, the director forced me to make a reservation on the same day, and it felt crowded with the directors and the hospital singing. It felt unprofessional. I liked Line the most, but I visited 4 hospitals, and I thought there must be a big reason for a large hospital to have an anesthesiologist, so I chose Line as the second hospital I liked.

스트로베리쥬's More Posts
Written by App.
Cmts 2
These are two places I've been meaning to visit! Thank you for the review.
22-12-14 15:30
* this is a secret.
22-12-16 10:51
water drop plastic surgery
hospital info
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