The bridge of my nose was too high and my hooked nose was too high, so I thought I couldn't keep it like this, so I thought I should either shave it off, get an implant in, or get a nose job. I looked into it, but I thought I did a good job. My classmate in college also had a hooked nose similar to mine, but after rhinoplasty, she got legendary beauty.. Kohana When I saw the difference, I asked where it was done and tried it here and there with the hospital that my colleague told me about. Then, I received consultation like this. As expected, I tried my hand at it and found that the estimates were different at each hospital. Some said to just cut it, and some said to cut it and then put in an implant. There was a place that told me to draw a line, and there was also a place that told me to reduce the nose bridge, which I had not thought of.. I was worried because the surgical method and cost were different.. If people with self-respect and a strong sense of style looked into it, I would have been able to decide on a hospital right away. After thinking about it for a few days, I made a reservation at one of the two. I plan to do it.