Job Review

[눈성형] Daejeon Ssangsoo footwork review Dunsan-dong

Date 22.11.08 13:38:52 View 597

I looked into Dunsan-dong, Daejeon. First of all, my eyes are usually closed, so should I say there is no room? I thought my eyes looked sleepy, so I went there thinking about eye correction,  but they recommended a place that recommended double eyelid surgery and epicanthoplasty. It was divided into two types: eye correction + double epicanthoplasty. Double epicanthoplasty was common, so I decided to make it a must, and was debating whether or not to get eye correction. I went there first. Maybe it was because it was the weekend, but there was a lot of waiting even though I made a reservation. It felt like it was running like a factory. If you are assigned to a director who specializes in eyes, then don't say anything ~ It doesn't have to be you ~~ The anxiety counseling director was kind because it was a mind-set, but since it is the director who does the surgery, the second director was refreshing and told me only what I needed. After a month, he gave me laser treatment for things like scarring. Third, this place is also famous, but I didn't really want the director. I assigned someone who was famous for his eyes. The doctor was friendly and I decided to do it here 80-90%, but when I saw the before and after photos, I was like,,, I passed . The fourth time, I had success because the director had a friend and the director had a lot of experience + he wasn't very friendly. ?.. I was strangely attracted to it because it wasn't overly recommended. Fifth, 1 director + 5,000 won consultation fee . There were a lot of reviews here,, I went there with high expectations, but I was a little confused because there wasn't a single person. The director is also full of pride and says it's the method he developed, but it's not a place like that. I was told to avoid it, but after thinking about it, I came out. First of all, it is a one-person director + I have second and third concerns about places that are not overly recommended.

이뻐지자안뇽's More Posts
Cmts 8
Second, is it possible?? I got surgery this time.
22-11-08 20:16
* this is a secret.
22-11-09 12:58
I’m completely satisfied!!
22-11-09 14:48
* this is a secret.
22-11-09 17:20
Just wash up and go right before double-handling. And... there's nothing in particular. I never thought it was a major surgery, so I feel like I'm going through a comfortable time.
22-11-09 22:40
Where did you do it? Thank you for the review. Will the last one come?
22-12-29 01:19
The last one is ㄱㄹㄹ..? Please tell me where I went ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
22-12-29 14:33
* this is a secret.
23-01-19 15:22
D-Day Plastic Surgery Clinic
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