Reason for repeat surgery: 6 years ago, I had nasal surgery with nasal septum, autologous ear cartilage, and alar osteotomy, but the ear cartilage, which should be well attached to the tip of the nose, was sagging, so I am looking into repeat surgery. 1. Hospital A Recommendation: Rhinoplasty, alar trimming, nasal tip cartilage relocation, previously used Recommended by 2.B Hospital for 6 million won by reusing the nasal septum : Remove the ear cartilage that was placed at the tip of the nose (is this okay?...?) Fascia behind the ear to relieve sagging skin after removal? Or, using autologous cartilage to round the tip of the nose, trim the beak, and even perform rhinitis surgery for around 4 million won. Recommended by 3.C Hospital : Reusing the tip cartilage and nasal septum, repositioning it, tying the cartilage, and trimming the beak for around 3 million won . What I'm most curious about is... what I used before. The tip of my nose looks distant and pointy due to the ear cartilage, so I want to do something about it... reposition this cartilage. Is it right to do so, or is it right to remove it altogether and reinforce the space with other autologous cartilage? Please advise.