Job Review

[체형&바디] Review of arm breathing and footwork

Date 23.12.30 16:19:18 View 1,195

1. ㅇㄹ Plastic Surgery - InBody process and consultation with the director. This is just what forearm breathing is like. After just explaining it, the consultation was over in less than 5 minutes and I left the hospital. The manager in charge said he would contact me the next day as it was his day off. Forearm stage 2: Regular price 130+22 (additional stage cost) / Review price 75+22 (additional stage cost) Floating room stage 1: Regular price 1.08 million won / Review price 750,000 won VAT included. Compression clothing sold separately. It is explained that surgery is performed on the armpits and elbows. 2. ㄷㄹㅇ Plastic Surgery - Consultation is conducted by measuring only height and weight. The counseling director looked at the shape of my arms, recommended a floating room, and recommended additional treatments for the armpits (arm roots?). Since she is a muscular type, it is said that pulling it out all over will make her lines look pretty. I don't really recommend it as an option. I didn't have any questions during the consultation with the director because he explained things well even when I didn't ask questions... I received a quote that included the arms, breasts, and arm roots, and an additional amount was charged based on my weight when I was 110cm tall (313M), but I negotiated up to 250M by providing photos and writing reviews whenever requested. Compression garment and blood test costs included. 3. ㅍㅈ Clinic - Since the visit time was not right, I received price information via KakaoTalk. Whole arm 110M Whole arm + floating breast or armpit 143M Whole arm + floating breast + armpit 176M Whole arm + floating breast + armpit + shoulder blade 209M Whole arm + floating breast + armpit + shoulder blade + bra line 242M Whole back 132M Additional included. Unlimited suction. Includes 4 after-care services. Compression clothing sold separately. Blood test fees and iron injections are separate. I was told that they would remove all the subcutaneous fat possible using an ultrasound scan.

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23-12-31 22:04
ㅍㅈ 몸무게나 그런거 추가금이 있었어?
24-01-20 06:55
방문상담은 안해봐서 모르겠는데 몸무게에 따른 추가비용 안내받은건 없었어!
24-01-22 01:09
아 나도 포즈 가고 싶어서 고민중... 예사는 했니ㅜㅠ?
24-03-21 23:59
ㅍㅈ고민되네요,,,발품후기 감사합니다!
24-03-23 21:30
Finish Plastic Surgery Clinic
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별점 주면서 생각 든 건데 뭐 하나 떨어지는 점은 없는 듯 늘 상담 받으러 가면 내가 의사 사무실 (?)에 들어가서 상담했던 거 같은데 여기는 의사가 직접 나를 보러 상담실에 들어옴 처음 가면 코에 관련된 뭘 작성하라고 주는데 사실 상담할 때 그걸 물어보진 않았고 직원-> 의사 전달이 안된 듯 거기에 알러지, 질환 등등 적었는데 이런 임상적인 건 딱히 신경 안 쓰나? 라는 생각이 들었음 가자마자 CT, x-ray 촬영했고 나갈 때 돈 얼마냐 물어보니 이것도 상담의 일종이고 상담은 원래 돈 안 받는다고 함 그래서 너무 호감이었음 다른 데는 ct 찍어도 돈 삼만 원 달라 그러니까… 상담도 흡족스러워서 얼마였어도 냈을 듯 상담 자체는 나는 하고 싶은 코 모양이 딱히 없었고 매부리를 얼른 지우고 싶은 마음에 찾아갔던 거라 내가 준비를 못해서 아쉬웠고, 워스트 코를 보여주며 말씀드리니 그 부분에 대해 잘 이해해 주면서 포토샵으로 이렇게 될 거다~ 하며 시뮬레이션 돌려 주심 원장님은 유튜브 그대로 수수하고 친절하게 상담 잘해 주셨음 재료와 길이, 이유 등등 내가 모르는 부분에 있어서 잘 알려 주셨고 사실 여기가 첫 상담이라 그렇지 한 서너 번째였으면 난 그냥 여기로 예약했을 것 같음 ㅠㅠ 그리고 계약금 강요가 심했다는 후기가 있던데 그 후기를 보셨는지 계약금 강요 느낌은 없었음.. 오히려 상담비도 안 내도 된다는 그 모습이 신기함 만약 다른 병원 더 가보고 영 아니면 난 여기서 할 듯
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