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[쁘띠&피부] After facial liposuction surgery

Date 23.11.27 11:44:15 View 611

A case of continuous treatment? What additional procedures did you do afterward? I'm very satisfied with facial liposuction and Botox treatment at ㄷㅌㅈㄹㅂ, but now I'm over 5 gal? It's true that it was removed through liposuction, so it won't come back if you just adjust your diet in between, but it seems like there are a lot of people who manage it with procedures like thread lifting! I'm also worried about getting a little bit of liposuction on my cheeks or here... But people who are worried about facial liposuction should definitely do it hahaha I told you I'm going past the 5th month. My real face shape has never returned to the way it was before, and I 'm living well by drinking it like a beef bone after having the procedure done once. Contour injection 20 I think it's more effective to do it once over the bun.

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Written by App.
Cmts 3
What kind of people benefit from facial liposuction? I also have a lot of fat on my face and also have a square jaw, so I'm worried whether it will be effective or if it will make my square jaw look more prominent.
23-11-27 20:02
Oh, I made an appointment for a consultation here and I'm looking forward to it...
23-11-28 01:10
I heard that even after facial cleansing, it is good to keep your skin from sagging with something like In Mode or Shurink.
23-11-29 10:36
Top Face Plastic Surgery
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