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[남자성형] ㅁㅇㄷ, ㄱㄴ, ㄷㅇㅇ, ㅇㅇㅂ Review of men's eyes and nose

Date 23.05.03 14:28:36 View 1,450

I went to 4 places for men's eye and nose consultations. 1. The facility was clean, and perhaps because I received it during opening hours, I was given a consultation right away. I also consulted with the director about my eyes and nose. For the eyes, I received a pair of nasal incisions, and for the nose, they told me about a 5-6 mm nasal septum + ear cartilage + donor ribs in case of a weak nasal septum. 2. ㄱㄴ There were a lot of foreigners here, and the waiting time was the longest. I received counseling from the representative director, ㅇㄱㅎ, and the counseling director recommended it. During the consultation with the director, he talked about incisions for the eyes, double slit openings, 5mm silicone for the nose, and adjustment of the nasal labial angle of the ear cartilage and donor ribs. 3. ㄷㅇㅇ It was conducted systematically, as expected from a large hospital. Go here, go there. It felt like a university hospital. Even though there were a lot of people, it went quickly, perhaps because of the large scale. They said that the nose would be about 4mm and that it would only be done with a septum, and for the eyes, they would say a nasal incision, inner double upper opening, and posterior opening. 4. ㅇㅇㅂ The facilities here also looked clean and big. The waiting time was as long as the second time, and I was consulted by the director about my eyesight. He said that the posterior epicanthoplasty for the eyes is OK, the anterior epicanthoplasty is performed with a non-incision inner pair, and the nose is performed with a 6mm ear cartilage donor rib. 1 and 2 were similar in price, number 4 was the most expensive and number 3 was the cheapest. When I received a consultation, everyone had the same opinion about my nose no matter where I went, and each director had different opinions about the opening in my eyes. In the end, I think I'll have to decide based on the estimate and my own choice. A review of the eyes and nose of a man who visited 4 places above.

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흠 눈코면 ㅁㅇㄷ 괜찮지
23-05-03 17:37
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-04 16:12
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-04 16:17
현명한 선택해서 꼭 성공하길 바래!
23-05-04 18:08
남잔데 한달 반 전에 4번에서 눈코했는데 만족중...
여러가지 고려해서 잘 선택해서 성공하길 바래
23-05-05 16:32
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-08 18:00
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-13 14:56
안녕하세요  코 쪽 찾아보는데 아무것도 모르는 뉴비입니다
1번하고 4번 댓글 좀 부탁드려도 괜찮을까요
23-06-15 22:23
4번 가격이 얼마나 드셨나요?
24-04-02 03:20
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