Job Review

[가슴성형] A review of visiting two breasts (Glam, U&U)

Date 24.02.23 10:50:25 View 1,918

유앤유 피팅 사진ㅋ실장님이 찍어줌

<유앤유 피팅 사진ㅋ실장님이 찍어줌>

글램 탈의실

<글램 탈의실>

Criteria for choosing a hospital = Please note that it is a hospital specializing in breasts, not new, but old, and has a large xxxxx ribcage of 75!! Glam - Director Oh Jae-won : It was on a high floor close to Shinnonhyeon Station, and the first floor must have been a Starbucks, so I remember eating a sandwich here after the consultation. Considering that the hospital was a private hospital, it was noisier than I expected. There were also patients coming to check on their progress. There were many and there were patients who came for consultations. What can I say about a hospital?? Do you feel like you take great care of your existing patients?? Usually, they try to attract new patients and don't pay much attention to patients who have already had surgery, but this was the opposite, which was surprising. There wasn't much waiting on site, and as soon as the woman in front of me had a consultation time left, the manager greeted me. After taking my clothes off and filming, I came and looked at the application chart I had written, and the manager gave me a consultation. He had a very charming style, so I felt like I had a very comfortable consultation. I was nervous, but I It may be shameful to get a consultation while exposing your breasts, but it felt like he was embracing my ugly breasts very warmly haha. He spoke in a cute way, but the content was of high quality, so I gave the consultation as if I was listening to a lecture on breasts with tweezers. On the other hand, the director seemed stubborn... consultation. There's nothing to talk about. They look at my breasts, measure the measurements, diagnose the surgical method, recommend implants, and finish. Oh, and explain the risks of the surgery. Do you feel like if you go to the head flower field without thinking about getting breast surgery, you'll be scolded by the director and kicked out? The style of consultation is firm, saying that breast surgery is not easy and CC should only be done up to this point and not go any larger. However, the operating room is very clean, so much so that someone with more than 20 years of experience has tuberculosis. Just by looking at his eyes, hahaha, I can feel his pride as a doctor... (I'm telling you now, I'm so scared of the director's eyes that I purposely avoid making eye contact during consultations... I consult with blurry eyes hahaha...) Bottom line, double plane, moti Bar-Menek 300cc was recommended and follow-up care is free (1 year schedule), as for life, full CCTV recordings can be viewed, no consultation fee. U&U - Director Lee Yung-gi : You have to walk a bit from Apgujeong Station. About a 10-minute walk? The building was under construction, so I was a little lost at first because I couldn't find the entrance. The hospital felt a bit private. I don't know if it was because I was the only one who had the consultation, but I didn't encounter a single person from the lobby to the locker room or consultation room. The soundproofing seemed to be good, and the hospital itself was purple-black. It was a combination of , but it was like Hotel Del Luna haha. I thought it was pretty. I had a consultation with the manager here for a while, and I thought we would usually sit facing each other and consult with the monitor turned to the side in the middle, but we sat next to each other and consulted while looking at the front monitor. It was a different feeling as we looked at the screen data and talked together. The consultation was also thorough. And I didn't take any pictures here, so I just took my clothes off, had the implants fitted, and then put on a crop top and took a picture (with my cell phone). Like Barbie Doll The director was a very young director and I thought he was handsome, but he had 8 years of experience?? He said he had been at AB before, but it seemed like he wasn't someone who had worked with breasts for a long time. Instead, he worked really hard on counseling and did it with sincerity. He worked hard on PPT materials to make it seem like he was meeting with a business partner. It was a bit of a burden, but I came with confidence and just trusted myself. I liked the st. However, I felt like I was very nervous during the consultation. My hands were shaking while checking my breasts and fitting the implants. The basic shape of my breasts is pretty, so they say they are the type that will look good after surgery. This is more recommended than CC Glam - Bottom line, dual plane, Motiva 340cc recommended. Unlimited aftercare (Caps reservation system), as lifetime, CCTV viewing available, consultation fee of 10,000 won (refundable after surgery). Of the two, only U&U has review discount conditions. And Glam was a scouting system. Is the discount rate in that review so extraordinary? However, that only applied to new directors, not the representative director. The director spoke very honestly... Since they were from other hospitals, U&U's own reviews were needed... So, there is a discount based on the reviews.... The price was tempting, but money is not important for breast surgery, and I wanted to entrust it to a surgeon with proven skills in order to have a successful surgery..... I didn't make a reservation, but just received a business card and left. Well, if I want to write a review after the surgery, I'll do it. I didn't want to force myself to spend the money, and they didn't even tell me the conditions properly, but the PR team said they would contact me separately... I think it would be a hassle... I'm planning to visit a few more places, but I live in a rural area, so I don't know when that will happen. When I get a consultation, I have to write a review of the product. It's really fun to write.

IoIoO's More Posts
Cmts 12
Please write a review of the product. I am also having trouble with my breasts. Thank you so much for your help. Can you tell me the price range??!
24-02-23 16:20
Oh, if there is a story waiting for me, I will try my best to write it haha.
24-02-23 18:42
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손품 팔고 두 번째 발품으로 방문한 곳 김도훈 원장님께 상담 받았고 질문하는 내용에 대해 친절하고 조곤조곤 잘 설명해 주셔서 편안한 분위기에서 상담했다 매몰과 절개 두 가지 방법 모두 가능하다고 설명해 주셨고 다만 눈 쳐짐을 고려할 때 3mm정도 절개하는 수술이 더 맞을 것 같다 하셨는데 흉터는 생길 수 밖에 없다고 하셨다 매몰을 허면 유지기간은 3년 정도 절개는 10년 정도로 말씀하셨고 아직 눈썹하거상 할 정도는 아니라고 하셨다 절개를 해도 현재 약 7mm 정도 눈쳐짐이 있기때문에 만의 하나 재수술 여유분은 있다고 했다 뉸 앞머리 라인이 원래 높은 편이라 이 부분을 살릴 경우 전체 라인이 좀 높아져서 자칫 느끼한 인상이 될 것 같은데, 그렇다고 절개로 잡아본 라인이 맘에 드는 것도 아닌게 너무 속썽 같은 느낌이 들어서 러인 자체는 매몰이 맘에 든다하니 이 부분에 대한 나의 설명을 오해하신 건지 좀 높은 라인을 선호하는 걸로 잘못 전달된 것 같았다 요는 매몰라인도 아주 싹 맘에 들게 나온 건 아니었지만 정개가 생각보다 너무 무쌍~속쌍 느낌이라 이것보다는 낫다는 의미로 말씀드린 걸 오해하셨다 원장님 상담 끝나고 바로 실장 상담 들어갔는데 가격이 천차만별인 듯 지역 맘카페에서 분명 4땀 자연유착 50만원 대로 봤고 바비톡도 비슷한 수준이었는데 121만원인데 당일 예약 시 100이라길래 넘 고무줄 견적 아닌가 하는 생각이 들었다 그리고 대기하는 분 중 연세지긋한 분이 계셨는데 무슨일인지 정확히 알 수 없어 제대로 평가할 수 없지만 계속 대기실에서 실장님과 이야기 중인 것으로 봤을때 수술 끝나고 내원 시 과연 의사쌤을 제대로 만날 수 있을까 하는 약간의 우려도 들기도 했다 결론은 무난하지만 아주 확 끌리지는 않아서 잠시 유보 중이다
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