Job Review

[코성형] Consultation review!

Date 24.01.26 23:31:56 View 1,990

1. ㅈㅇㅈ - ㅈㅇㅈ - ㄱㅎㄹ There is no consultation fee, the city manager is very kind, and the director is also very kind, he tells me exactly what I need, there was no wait for me to say I wouldn't do it too much , the consultation was friendly and detailed, there was no cost, no cost. No. He explained that there would be some improvement because the nasal septum was touched during the surgery . The estimate was in the low 400s without taking city photos. 2. ㅁㅋ - ㅇㅇㅈ Consultation fee was 10,000 won, but I don't remember city.. I think they took photos! He said he came here after scouting a person who was originally at ㅈㅈㅇ. The director was calm and the consultation was very detailed . He showed me the entire nose line on the computer and said he wouldn't go overboard. He said he would only use a very thin layer of silicone, about 1cm. He said there was no need for a functional nose. No worries. The director is also calm. Estimate is in the low 400s. 3. ㅍㄹㅈ-ㅅㅇㅅ No consultation fee, no city shots. He said I should use silicone during visit since he is famous for implant-free. Estimate is in the low 300s . ㅇㅇㅂ-ㅇㅈㅅ No consultation fee, no city fee. The director is kind . He recommended it, but he said it was okay not to use it if you didn't want to use it. The actual cost of the functional code was available here. The price here was the best in terms of the actual cost of the functional code. Estimate: If you get a refund of the actual cost of the functional code, it's in the low 200s. ㅁㅇㄷ - ㅇㅇㅌ This is the type of director who is passionate and gives direction. Drawings are also done with Photoshop. The drawing estimate is much higher than other hospitals. 6. ㅇㄴㅂ-ㅊㅁㄱ No consultation fee, no city fee. The director is very passionate and kind. The director only performs two surgeries a day and is very skilled. I have affection for the hospital. I saw that the director was calm and spoke clearly about the problem and said no to things that couldn't work. It wasn't functional. Estimate was in the late 300s. 7. ㅂㅌㅇ-ㅇㅈㅎ Consultation fee, no city fee , waiting time. The director and director were all kind. They recommended non-implants and said they don't use ribs. Hasim consultation is thorough. Separate price estimate is in the low 400s . 8. ㅇㅈ-ㅇㅎㅈ Consultation fee: No city fee. There is waiting time. The director is calm and explains well. After the director's consultation, the manager's consultation part was not done properly and there was no communication. Please organize it properly. I couldn't get it. They said the surgery schedule was full. Separate estimate for the price of a functional nose. If you make a reservation on the same day, it's in the low 300s.

이재이재's More Posts
Cmts 4
ㅁㅋ ㅇㅇㅈ I was looking into it, thank you for the information.
24-01-27 00:53
thank you for the information!
24-01-27 17:03
정보 고마워!!
24-05-24 16:01
ㅇㄴㅂ에 씨시티비 없엋어 ? ㅜ헉
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