Job Review

[가슴성형] Review of 4 breast areas

Date 23.01.04 14:46:46 View 819

I went there in the summer, so I'm writing based on my memory, so I may be rambling. Sorry. ㄱㄹ Plastic Surgery is located in Shinnonhyeon, and I went to this hospital because of the good reviews posted occasionally in the cafe, but I remember the waiting time was long and the desk coordinators were rude and not very good. The director's consultation is over very quickly and I can check the size and do whatever. Do you have any questions? And that's the end level. There was no explanation, just a diagnosis, and the director forced a reservation fee in the name of a same-day discount + didn't even give me a business card. Even though the surgery was good, the consultation and friendliness of the hospital itself wasn't very good. I had high expectations ㅠㅠ Kim ㅈㅇㅇㅅ Plastic Surgery This is a hospital better than I expected . It felt like a small, local dermatology clinic. However, as long as the surgery is done well, it doesn't matter. I was careful, so I didn't pay attention. The consultation wasn't bad because the director was experienced and professional! But does it feel like they are forcing Motiva implants unconditionally? Maybe that's why the estimates are so amazing. ㅇㅇㅌ This is the only plastic surgery place where I felt like I received longer consultations from the director than from the director. I was hoping to go big, but the director asked if I could give up all of my senses and touch, so I was a little scared. But When I thought about it, I actually gained trust because they directly told me about the side effects. There was no coercion at all here, and instead, they encouraged me to go to other hospitals, which was nice. As it is a large plastic surgery hospital, it was really big and there were a lot of people, and it was amazing because there were a lot of foreigners in particular. The director's consultation wasn't bad, but it was too short compared to the waiting time (3-4 minutes?), and every time I mentioned a need, he said everything was possible, so I was doubtful if it was really possible... The manager was friendly, but it felt like he hadn't been working for a while. I thought a lot about this and ㅇㅇㅌ until the end.

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후기 고마워~!!
23-01-06 10:38
두,세번째 병원 어딘지 알 수 있을까?
세번째 병원 후기 보니까 보형물 크기가 감각에도 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 생각을 왜 못 해봤나싶네~
담 상담때 나도 물어봐야겠다
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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맞아 ㅇㅅ는 모티바가 정답이라고 말하더라
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ㄱㄹ은 ㄱ램 말하는 건가? 나 거기에서 했는데 망해서 맞으면 안 갔음 좋겠어, 구축 끼가 1달도 채 안되서 보였는데 무슨 운동같은걸로 해결된다면서 이상한 거 시키고 , 8개월 동안 흉터관리도 딱 1번 받았는데 그것도 내가 흉터 관리는 안 하는 거냐고 물어봐서 그날 흉터관리 아니고 재수술 경과 보러 갔다가 걍 추가로 봐준거야 원장도 원하는 내용 말하면 중간에 말 다 끊고 지 고집대로 말하고 거기 후기 보면 지 고집 부린다는 말 많을건데 그래서 내가슴 망했다ㅜㅜ
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