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[코성형] Gentleman ㅈㅇㅈㅇ/ Gangnam ㄹㄹ Plastic Surgery Rhino Surgery Consultation

Date 24.04.16 23:01:42 View 965

I went to the gentleman's ㅈㅇㅈㅇ plastic surgery clinic and Gangnam ㄹㄹ plastic surgery clinic for nose surgery consultations. I wanted to have a nose surgery, but I was scared, so I made reservations at the above hospitals with the feeling that I should get a consultation first! This was my first time having a consultation at the hospital and I couldn't ask too many questions, so I'll write down whatever comes to mind - I had a morning appointment at Sinsa Station ㅈㅇㅈㅇ Plastic Surgery Clinic, but there was no wait and there was no consultation fee . It didn't feel like the manager was friendly. Does it feel like you just ask a question and they answer it?? I said I wanted to go with implant-free implants as much as possible, but he said my nose had to be implanted at all costs, so he told me to donate it considering the side effects! It was not optional, but mandatory, and the director said it was best to use a donor rib. Silicone has many side effects, so he recommended autologous ribs or donor ribs! Well, they said my nose wouldn't be noticeable if I got implant-free! They recommended it in terms of satisfaction and appearance. I didn't decide on a director and just received a consultation from the representative director, but it didn't feel like the consultation was thorough. So, the price was a bit higher than I expected, but he said that if it was not a same-day reservation, VAT would be added separately to the initially mentioned price. The director of Gangnam ㄹㄹ Plastic Surgery Clinic was very kind! I didn't know much, so I repeated the same thing and spoke at length, but he explained everything I was curious about in detail. Since we take pictures and CT first and then go for consultation, I think I understood it better when the director explained things with pictures. And when I was worried about whether to do it or not and asked about the changes after the surgery, I was confident that I would make a model nose, so I think my trust increased sharply. This is a 3D prosthesis rather than a donor rib or autologous rib?? He recommended silicone. He said that it is possible without implants, but that the shape of my nose is now a bit prettier, and that if I put silicone in, I can dramatically make it look more natural (as I said, it feels natural, as if I didn't have surgery). Rather than selling it myself, an acquaintance of mine did it here and it went so well that I got a small discount on the overall price because I referred the product to a friend. Please tell me about the tip of the nose + curved nose + plump nose + bijuu. In terms of price, there is a bit of a price difference between this place and plastic surgery clinic! Here too, there was an additional price for same-day reservations! There is no consultation fee, but I don't know if I can write down the price in detail, so I'll just write it like this!!! It was my first surgery and I was worried about selling it, but my acquaintance at ㄹㄹ was so successful, and the director was so confident that I decided to put down a down payment and schedule a date for the surgery.. !!!!

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