Job Review

[눈성형] 2 locations in Apgujeong / Review of ㅇㅁㄷ, ㅋㅇ

Date 24.03.21 15:16:50 View 1,774

Byeongsam was trying to write it... I was exhausted after the consultation and went home right away, so I couldn't use it due to GPS issues... -------------------- 1. ㅋㅇ Plastic Surgery: No consultation fee 0) Diagnosis result - Spontaneous adhesion (+ epicanthoplasty) 1) Reason for visit - I visited after making a reservation before consulting with ㅇㅁㄷ on the recommendation of an acquaintance. - When filling out the first visit record, if you are recommending an acquaintance, you must enter the acquaintance's name/mobile phone number. 2) Waiting time - Waiting time is much longer than the visit reservation time. - Waiting time occurs as the surgery is delayed by the director who made the reservation. Consult with the director. The consultation starts about 30 minutes after the scheduled time. - There were hardly any people. 3) Consultation process (1) Take a picture of your current eye (2) Consultation with the director (approximately 10 minutes): Briefly proceed with the purpose of surgery, desired direction of surgery, etc. (3) Consultation with the director (approximately 10 minutes) - Draw the eye line once First of all, I didn't like it... (I felt like it was being handled roughly...) - I was curious about the opening, so I asked about it, and only then did the story flow in the direction of proceeding with the opening too...? - Do you have any more questions? There was no detailed explanation - He seemed a bit tired. (5) Consultation with the consultation manager (about 10 minutes) - Consultation on price, surgery schedule, etc. - Reservation fee of 100,000 won, refundable up to 14 days in advance ( compulsory The counseling director tells me how long it will take. 4) Evaluation - The price discount was based on a recommendation from an acquaintance and there was no review - First of all, it was my first consultation, so I may have been inexperienced as I did not know how a plastic surgery consultation works, but the biggest inconvenience was that the reservation time was not kept . It felt like it. - The counseling director was generally satisfied with the service (better than ㅇㅁㄷ, which will be described later), but the medical staff's explanation of the surgery did not suit me well. - I personally posted a surgery-related review on my blog, and the hospital I was interested in because it was recommended by an acquaintance... The satisfaction with the consultation itself is not that high. ㅠ 2. ㅇㅁㄷ Plastic Surgery Clinic: No consultation fee 0) Diagnosis results - Natural adhesion / Twisting / Rain Incision eye correction 1) Why I visited - The hospital I liked the most because of the surgery with almost no swelling and natural surgery reviews - Originally, I was only going to get consultation from this one place, but I was told to get consultation from several places, so I visited out of courtesy on the recommendation of an acquaintance. (The location is also in Apgujeong...) 2 ) Waiting time - Consultation with the counseling director immediately after filling out the initial visit record, and then after waiting a bit, consultation with the director - There were many people in the hospital, but it was good that the consultation took place without delay at the scheduled time. 3 ) Counseling process (1) Consultation with the counseling director - Fill out the initial visit report and wait in the counseling room - No separate photos were taken, and although he felt a bit blunt, he was not overly friendly. (2) Consultation with the director - He drew the eye line two or three times and proceeded with the consultation quite naturally, such as explaining that this line may be a bit unnatural to my eyes. - I was diagnosed with eye correction and upper chin, which I did not expect, but I was told why it was necessary and what would happen if I did not proceed. They will tell you if the mole is unnatural 4) Evaluation - Looking at the reviews, the cost is high compared to other plastic surgery clinics, and looking at the quote, it is high due to additional items - There is a discount if you send a photo to write a review - There are many reservations when making a consultation reservation, so the surgery is not required. I was very worried that I wouldn't be able to do it on the date I wanted... but fortunately, I was able to do it on the date I wanted. - The counseling director did not have a friendly style, but I liked the fact that he looked carefully when I asked to confirm the surgery schedule. - No reservation fee required

스댄리's More Posts
Cmts 8
ㅇㅁㄷ It’s very expensive?? How was the line you caught?
24-03-26 23:51
ㅋㅇThe price was a little higher because it included schooling as well. I liked the line. I wanted a natural line rather than a flashy line, and the director thought a low line would suit me.
24-03-28 00:58
Thanks for the info!
24-03-27 23:26
ㅇㅁㄷ Who was the director??
24-03-30 16:00
Who was the director???
24-03-31 12:26
Oh thank you for the detailed review ㅠ!!
24-04-01 15:52
Thank you for the information~^^
24-04-01 17:40
정보 고마워 어디서 할지 결정했어?
24-06-22 08:53
1% Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
I went to Dalgosan for a consultation because of my complex about clowns. First of all, the wait was really long.. about 2 hours?  If the consultation was not good, I shouldn't have done it here. The director said that if you only do clowns, your face will look weird, so he recommended getting a chin surgery as well (I kind of expected it). He said that my face would be good if they did it too (other hospitals said similar things. T_T My damn face shape....) The consultation with the director was really good, and the manager was okay . There was a same-day reservation requirement. It seemed to suit me well, but I gave up because the price was more expensive than I thought.. The director said that there are no discounts other than same-day reservations. T_T  If I do it again in the future, I think I'll do it here? I recommend going for a consultation first.
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