Job Review

[체형&바디] ㄹㄹㅈ Forearm sneezing consultation review

Date 23.05.30 23:01:05 View 1,257

No consultation fee. I applied after seeing an advertisement on Instagram and went. I was thinking that I should go on a diet and lose weight, but suddenly I felt it. I made a reservation for 1:30, but after changing clothes, stocking up on InBody, and urging, the consultation with the head of counseling took place first at 2:05. The counseling from the counselor was good. Since it was something I had done myself, the consultation was detailed and I liked the fact that it was talked about honestly. As soon as I saw Salseong, I asked him if he suddenly gained weight and suddenly lost it. I told him yes, and he said that his forearms were very inelastic, unlike other parts of his upper body. So, even if you exercise, your clothes will look better, but the effect of looking pretty when wearing a tank top can only be achieved by exercising hard, not by exercising your arms. It says clearly. According to InBody, I have upper body obesity, but my arms, bra line, collarbone, and hump are the fat on the back of my neck. The area that irritates me the most is the back of my neck, but I didn't know that this was a place where breathing was possible. He showed me that he had done the collarbone area himself and told me to choose it because rather than having the effect of showing my bones or making me look very skinny, it just had the effect of making my body look less big . I like my cute collarbones with some flesh. But I really liked the fact that humps were possible. And there is an additional price depending on the BPM. Aftercare included manual management and tune-up management. There are two directors, one is a female director that everyone knows when they see her face, and the other is a male director. He said he has been studying with this female director for 6 years. For people with good elasticity , I would recommend a female director because the design line needs to be considered very carefully , but for those with inelastic arms like me, even if you remove fat, the lines will not be improved because of the elasticity, so the fat is very stubborn. I recommended the male director's style, which has the advantage of pulling it out gently, as it seems to be a better fit. It is also cheaper in price. There was also a consultation with the director later, but I only scheduled it for about an hour and had other schedules, so I decided to have a consultation with the director later and put down a deposit... (?) The price is a bit more expensive than other places, but the forearm is Even if I don't do it, I definitely want to do something like a hump and bra line. But I guess I'll do it all in the end. After finishing everything, I went to work the very next day, but the aches and pains lasted for about a week, and I was told that I didn't have to wear the compression garment all the time, but only had to wear it when I was sleeping for 10 hours a day. Short sleeves leave some bruises, but depending on where you wear them, you can say that you can wear them or not. While I was waiting to get a consultation, a lot of people came and went who looked like they were all tired. Everyone seemed to have done something to their thighs or abdomen. The way they walked seemed to hurt a lot... I wonder if my arms would hurt like that too... My future self... I'm worried, though. ... I'm not who I am now, so I'll think about it later...

dieeeeeeet's More Posts
Cmts 15
It’s amazing that they provide manual care and tune-up care.
23-05-31 14:36
okay? Why don’t you do it somewhere else????
23-05-31 14:36
Thank you for the detailed review.
23-06-02 17:29
I'm glad it helped, but it's expensive...
23-06-04 22:36
ㄹㄹㅈ I was most curious, so thank you for explaining it in detail. I feel like the consultation is very thorough.
23-06-10 01:52
First of all, Counselor Ong seems to have done everything himself, so no matter what I ask, he gets the answer right away. And he is honest. He clearly tells me that I have no elasticity, so even if I remove all the fat, I will never have pretty lines or arms because of my skin. ^^ I keep thinking about that.. ^^
23-06-10 01:55
Haha, I guess she's the same manager as me haha. That's right, she explained it in detail, but the price is high. I don't think I'll do it there.
23-06-21 04:27
But the hump is so small.....
23-06-21 12:02
What price did you discuss? ㅠ
23-12-16 18:15
* this is a secret.
23-12-17 09:22
* this is a secret.
23-12-17 12:43
* this is a secret.
23-12-17 14:31
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-18 18:52
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-24 11:11
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-24 11:12
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