Job Review

[쁘띠&피부] Review of Bupyeong In Mode footwork

Date 23.02.18 11:59:08 View 904

Bupyeong ㅌㅈ Clinic, I saw it on YouTube. There are a lot of people. It feels like a factory. I visited to get a consultation with In-mode . Consultation with a doctor is not possible before payment. Only consultation with the manager is available. The most expensive in-mode is for 18 minutes and the cost was over 500,000 won including VAT for 3 sessions. Full face in-mode FX. I think the 3 sessions cost about 24 including VAT, but the treatment time per session was 7 minutes. The director also said that 7 minutes would not be effective, so he recommended two 14-minute treatments on the same day. As for the chin Botox, the director, not a doctor, judged it by touching my chin. Before paying, I was told that the treatment was for me. They said they would pay after consulting a doctor to see if it would be effective, but they said you have to pay in advance to get a doctor's consultation, so it's a place where the director determines the need for the procedure... I just left . It's similar to the clinic in Seoul in terms of cost-effectiveness (based on payment for a 3-session package here). It's similar to or slightly cheaper than going to the doctor's office 3 times, once each, so there's no need to go to Bupyeong due to the difference.)

하이들여's More Posts
Cmts 4
I think the factory type of lifting is really not recommended ㅜㅜ.. If you're in Bupyeong, check out the page. It didn't feel like the factory type, so I tried it too. They said they would look into it if it wasn't as effective...
23-02-20 16:25
* this is a secret.
23-02-23 16:40
Oh... this is the first time I've seen a doctor's consultation that requires prepayment...
23-06-26 22:17
오잉? 댓글부댄가? 전 진짜 ㅋㅋ 한번해보고 엄청만족했는데 꼼꼼하게 하는게 느껴질정도였는데..제월급으로 할수있는 가성비 갑이었는데 다들친절하시고 ㅠㅠ
문턱도 낮아서좋고 이벤트할때마다 한번씩 가서해보는데
가격에비해 만족스러워서  받아보고 판단하는게 좋을듯요!
24-04-22 17:41
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ㅇㅇㅇ 계실때 첫 쌍수했음 5년전. 너무 힘든경험이었어서 리뷰쓰고싶지도 쳐다보고싶지도 않았음 근데 후기보다가 또 발견해서 씀 수술직전에 라인잡은게 맘에 안들어서 서로 얘기하다가 짜증내심 그때 워낙어리기도 하고, 혼자갔어서 우물쭈물 말도 잘 못한상태로 수술실감 . 그결과 당연히 처참 그냥 눈에 찍 선 그은 소세지됨. 그리고 풀고싶어서 상담갔는데 실장이 했던 원장님한테 풀어달라해야 될거라고 반협박?하시길래 또 그런가보다 하고 마취비 내고 수술. 20분이면 끝난다고 한 수술이 거의 2시간 넘게 걸림 수면마취가 아니라, 수술내내 의사간호사 대화 중간중간 들렸는데 “아 김원장님 수술법 모르는데“ ,”아 어떻게하신거야“ + 몇십분동안 혼자 수술실 대자로 누워서 방치됨 수술 끝나고 눈탱이밤탱이돼서 나옴 지금 생각해보면 고소감인데 그때 당시에는 너무 트라우마에 빨리 그냥 잊고싶어서 도피함. 원장님은 기억안나시겠지만 아직도 끔찍했고, 그 병원은 여전히 인기많고 홍보도 많이해서 강남갈때마다 찡그리게됨
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