Job Review

[눈성형] A review after selling a pair of double eyelids (ㅋㄹ, ㅇㄹㅈ, ㄹㅂㄹㅇ, ㄴㅅㅎ, ㄱㅇㅈ)

Date 24.04.20 17:47:21 View 2,190

I just suddenly got the pill and decided to make a same-day reservation until ㄹㅂㄹㅇ;;; Hahaha, I'm a person who only wants to have double hands. ㅇㅇ 1. Haha As the reviews say, the doctor is very kind and feels like a local otolaryngology clinic. The counseling director is also like my warm mother... First, I tried in-out and out with burial, but in-out is almost like a double pair and has an outline. Also, my right eye healed really fast. They recommended an incision and it was decided that the procedure cannot be performed here. ㅠ Consultation fee He is the type of person who provides consultation in a flowing manner. So the atmosphere was comfortable. First of all, he said that he could have ptosis. I could only see 60% of the pupil and recommended eye correction and epicanthoplasty, but he said I would not do it. He looked at all 3 lines, in-out-out-in-line. I went from in-out to in-out line. I said I would go, but the line itself didn't feel pretty. ㅇㄹㅈ definitely sets a higher line than ㅇㄹㅈ. Quick burial procedure is recommended. They said that only incisions were possible in all other places, but I was skeptical because they said it could be done through burial. You said that the quick burial won't come off... but are you going to do burial first and see after the reoperation? I had a lot of thoughts . Consultation fee I was wearing glasses, but it was new and nice because it was the first time they asked me if I wanted to keep wearing my glasses and held my line while wearing them. Here, instead of holding multiple lines, only one line is held in and out. But I liked the line the most, it was really pretty! He didn't mention eye correction at all and only mentioned epicanthoplasty. He recommended an incision because my skin is thick and I tend to get rid of it right away even when the lines are drawn. These days, I asked if the incision didn't leave any scars, and he said that's up to me, and I shouldn't drink or smoke~ He said it cynically like this, and I was a little nervous about the consultation, so I felt like I had to prepare a lot of questions... Consultation fee: 10,000 won, sedative anesthesia, O, swelling The cost of one laser incision is 1.5 million won 5. ㄴㅠㅎ: I made a reservation on the same day and got it. This is my first time here. The skin on the eyelids is very thick. ㅇㅇ They say that if you set the line too high, you will inevitably end up with sausage eyes. He said he wouldn't be able to zoom in and out, so he put his hand on my forehead and did a test to open my eyes, and he said that my ptosis was very severe and that the power to open my eyes was strong. So, if I was going to have surgery here, I would definitely have to have my eyes corrected. Haha, first of all, the lines would come out as soon as they were fixed. I didn't say anything because I didn't have anything to ask, so I didn't say anything, so I didn't have the motivation... 22 If you're going to ask questions to the doctor here, you'll have to prepare a lot. After the consultation with the director, I told the director that I wasn't going to study at the school, but I was reluctant because of the cost. Is that so.. Then he asked me to tell him about all the hospitals I went to, and when I told him, he said that none of them overlap with his hospital. (I don't know what he is talking about) But the head of the counseling department said that he pursues a very natural look. Consultation fee For 2.97 million won for eye bridge + incision + fat removal, 2.2 million won for photo provided... 7. ㄱㅇㅈ: I went in and there was a cafe...? Feeling....hahaha. As soon as I went in, he took a picture and looked at it with me to explain it. As soon as he saw me, he asked me if I had severe bulging eyes and dry eyes (yes, I'm sorry...). He then showed me pictures of the surgery and told me about it. He even gave me a picture from the 5th day. There was no swelling, it was amazing, but they said there was no such thing as in-out, in-line, outline, and that they were doing the surgery to suit their own eyes. So, I also adjusted just one line. Sigh... (sigh) If the skin is thick, so even if it is raised just a little, it will look like sausage eyes. He said that it was possible and that I had to do it with an inner pair , and that I should never do eye correction. He said that the ability to open my eyes is fine as long as I open them well (^^). I liked this because he told me that my eyes were originally bulging and had severe dry eyes, so if I corrected my eyes, the dryness could get worse. .. But he kept talking about epicanthoplasty haha. Cosmetic surgery is for self-satisfaction and he said it will be done through incisions that minimize scars. He also mentioned that the incisions will never go away. It felt conservative and natural, similar to ㅇㅇ ㅋㄹ. And the consulting director was around my age. It was a bit friendly and nice... haha ​​Consultation fee 10,000 won, after-sales service period 1 year, surgery  twice a day, swelling laser I heard it, but....... I hope it helps!!

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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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나랑 비슷하다 ㅠㅠㅠ 나두 얼레벌레 발품 팔았는데
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hospital info
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