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[코성형] 4 reviews of rhinoplasty (cartilage tying) in Seoul

Date 24.03.25 23:33:53 View 1,422

I saw a post about cartilage tying for people in their 40s on the ㄱㅃ app and went for a consultation. Since my nose is small, tying the cartilage would make it look like it was pinched, and the cartilage size is bigger on the right side, so I matched them and adjusted the crooked nose, and used the septal cartilage to raise the columella and sharpen the beak (medial incision). I got a review discount for 220. ㅅㅇㅋ Here is the cartilage. They said it would look pretty if they tied it, so I suggested we proceed that way, but they said they would remove a bit of cartilage from the nose and raise the tip of the nose + mane the beak (inner incision) Review discount of about 185 haha. Out of all the consultations I had, he was the kindest and explained the surgery method well. There was trust. He said that cartilage tying would be effective because the skin is thin, and suggested cartilage tying through an external incision + double nose correction + curved nose. Review discount of about 175 ㅈㅇㅈㅇ I felt it was the most professional. They pointed out each problem with my nose, so my nose was curved and the cartilage at the tip of my nose had developed, so it was a bit noticeable. He said it looked like a male figure and my nose was slightly upturned (I have a slightly arrow-shaped nose, but this was pointed out earlier, but it wasn't there). They said that they couldn't just tie the cartilage and cut the ear cartilage to raise the tip of the nose and sharpen the beak (medial incision). Review Discount 330 In conclusion. The reason I did it at ㅅㅇㅋ is because I said I wanted to have a nose like that of a wannabe celebrity, and he said, “Oh, he also had cartilage tied and put silicone on it,” but he said it was like the surgery was done at this hospital, so I decided. But even if I tried to make a reservation, the manager called and asked me to call him for a few days. They didn't give it to me and the explanation of the surgery was very vague, so I finished the surgery, but I don't even know how it went. There was no explanation before the surgery, and they seemed busy... But they did it, and I was satisfied with the result. So that's it. haha ​​^^ But if it wasn't for that celebrity's comment, I think I would have gone ahead and done it. ㅈㅇㅈㅇ was way out of my budget, and I didn't do major surgery using ear cartilage because I was worried about side effects. ㅠ If you're going to sell it, I recommend ㅇㅂ ㅈㅇㅈㅇ!!

두리쥐's More Posts
Cmts 12
How about post-surgery care?
24-03-26 00:57
* this is a secret.
24-03-27 18:23
* this is a secret.
24-03-26 10:25
* this is a secret.
24-03-27 18:21
* this is a secret.
24-03-26 10:26
* this is a secret.
24-03-27 18:19
* this is a secret.
24-03-27 00:49
* this is a secret.
24-03-27 18:19
How much was Hibom’s double nose correction alone!!
24-05-03 23:30
* Can I ask who took the photo of the wannabe celebrity?
24-05-06 10:39
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-10 12:55
혹시 ㅎㅇㅂ ㅈㅇㅈㅇ 원장님 누구셨어??
24-06-03 17:38
D-Day Plastic Surgery Clinic
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