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[코성형] DI’s first rhinoplasty consultation, 2nd session, autologous costal cartilage nobility

Date 23.03.03 21:58:19 View 3,127

Hospital name: DI Plastic Surgery Consultant: Representative Director Jeong Yeon-ik Consultation fee: None Last year, on June 17, 2022, I received a consultation and was diagnosed with overbite and mid-facial depression. I immediately received orthodontics and oral and maxillofacial surgery consultation and underwent double jaw surgery at ㅇㅂㅇ. After receiving double jaw, chin, and V-line surgery in November through Seojeongjeong, the doctor told me that I could now have nose surgery after 3 months, so I scheduled a consultation with a plastic surgeon right away. What decided which hospital I consulted for was two of the plastic surgery clinics I consulted with last year that told me it was a double jaw case. I was able to gain courage in deciding to actually get orthognathic surgery thanks to the honest and clear explanations given by the directors of two plastic surgery clinics. First of all , Dr. Yeonik Jeong of DI Plastic Surgery told me not to put in implants because I have a severe chin and implants would not work, so I was able to make a quick decision. 2023/03/03 I scheduled a consultation at 10 o'clock and visited the hospital. Last year, when I received a consultation, I did not get a CT and only received pictures, but this time, I even took a CT and started the consultation. The manager who consulted with me last year also stayed and I checked the costs and items again. The director came in, looked at the chart and previous photos, and said that my facial jaw was now in good shape. I showed them the style I wanted and pictures of celebrities, and told the director that I wanted to be able to correct it to the maximum extent. He added that forehead lift + forehead reduction, eye correction, and double-couple surgery were added. For the nose, as last time, we planned to use autologous costal cartilage up to the bridge and tip of the nose, and also up to the nostrils to give sufficient mid-face volume. What I was particularly curious about was whether it was possible to fill the volume with autologous costal cartilage even though titanium pins were used to move the upper jaw forward after double jaw surgery. He kindly explained it to me, and said that the detailed procedure in the noble surgery is to create volume with autologous costal cartilage, almost like breast surgery, and to cover it by additionally harvesting fascia-like tissue from the rib incision site. What I newly learned here is that noble implant silicone is fixed with screws when inserted into the human body, but autologous tissue is not fixed with screws because it engrafts. The attached photo is a CT photo of the double jaw and a photo taken this time. I had my face reshaped and received plastic surgery consultation, and the doctor said he could adjust it well, so I felt like I did a good job. Even after double jaw surgery, the lack of mid-face volume and chin advancement was fully explained by ㅇㅂㅇ before the procedure, and I was prepared to make up for it during plastic surgery, so I asked a lot of questions because I wanted to hear a more detailed explanation. Noble surgery two-stage filling using autologous ribs and fascia (tissue). Because it is autologous tissue, it is engrafted without separate pin fixation in the bimaxillary pin fixation area. Also, I was asked if I could have eye correction and double eyelid surgery at the same time as a forehead lift + reduction, so I thought about doing the forehead first and then the eyes, but what I was afraid of was what would happen if the shape didn't look good. In other hospitals, there are cases where forehead surgery is not done at the same time because it changes the shape of the eyes. However, the director said it was possible and that there was no need to go through the trouble twice, so we decided to do it together. And it was said that the results are better if forehead lift and reduction are combined. I tried taking hair loss medication for 3 months before the consultation to see if I might be losing hair, but it only made my beard thicker and didn't seem to have any effect, so I stopped taking it. My parents' hairline was also pushed back a bit, and looking at old photos, I thought I had a wide forehead to begin with, so I suggested that if I shorten my forehead, I could create a balanced M-shape and cover the slightly empty part with a separate forehead tattoo. To summarize, nose: Autologous costal cartilage, bridge of the nose, tip of the nose, 660 Nobility: Autologous costal cartilage, fascia (tissue) 2-stage filling 330 Forehead: Forehead lift + forehead reduction 220+198 Eyes: Eye correction + double couple (in-line) 154 General anesthesia Autologous tissue only I had surgery. The next thing I asked about was the director's schedule and condition. I wanted to get a consultation in January or February, but I thought it would be impossible during the peak season, so I waited for plastic surgery from March. And since I heard that DI Plastic Surgery was expanding and relocating, I made a schedule so I could receive surgery in a better environment. Oh, and there were a lot of problems in the reviews of Seongyesa Temple where you had to move between floors to get tested, which seemed complicated when there were a lot of people, but I think it's fortunate that they are now moving to a larger building. Consultation ends. After consulting with the director, we decided on a time when the director would be in the best condition. They said that they usually do at most 3 cases a day, but in my case, they only pay attention to 1 case a day. After relocating, I made a reservation for 4/6 and went through the inspection and deposit. Now I feel comfortable because I no longer have to worry about where to go. I will post another review after the surgery next month. It would be good to do it step by step, but plastic surgery/orthognathic surgery requires an accurate analysis of your face at the beginning to save results and time. I was just trying to survive and had corrections and plastic surgery on my double jaw, but with the mindset of analyzing and studying my face well, I looked at various advices and cases and made a decision, so I felt fortunate that I had the surgery at a slightly later age. Everyone should find a director who can analyze their faces well. Good luck with your plastic surgery everyone!

희코사코미코's More Posts
Cmts 3
Since the orthognathic surgery was successful, I hope the rest of the surgeries are also successful! I think you'll look really cool! You must have put a lot of thought into it and it costs a lot of money, but it's really amazing that you made such a big decision!!
23-03-04 11:05
Congratulations on your success in orthodontics. I think your nose will be fine too.
23-03-10 22:05
Congratulations on Western music
24-06-15 02:46
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