Job Review

[일반잡담] 아이스크림 먹는중

Date 20.01.13 15:41:36 View 295

누가바랑 빙빙바먹었어요 ㅋㅋ
원래 입에도 안대는것들인데 오늘따라
왜이렇게 찬게 먹고싶던지 막상 밖에
나가서 사먹기는 귀찮고 냉동실 뒤적거려서
득템했네요 ㅋㅋ 마지막으로 빵또아남았는데
좀있다가 먹으려구요

[공지] 성형관련 게시물이나 등업관련 게시글은 삭제
[공지] 익명 게시판은 존칭 사용이 금지 됨

Cmts 6
1번 댓쓴이
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ저는 생리전에 식욕돋아서 그러던데.. 단거안좋아하다가두 그때만되면 빵, 아이스크림이 그렇게 먹고싶어여
20-01-13 15:56
2번 댓쓴이
저도 방금전에 아이스크림 먹었는데 맛있더라고욬ㅋㅋㅋ
20-01-13 16:07
3번 댓쓴이
따뜻한방에서 시원한 아이스크림~ 너무 맛있어여~~~ㅋㅋㅋ
20-01-13 16:19
4번 댓쓴이
겨울에 먹는 아이스크림이 또 별미이죠 ㅎㅋㅋ 집가서 따뜻하게 아이스크림하나 먹어야겠네요 저도
20-01-13 16:42
5번 댓쓴이
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ군것질 잘안하는편인데 생각날때가 한번씩 있더라구용
20-01-13 20:47
6번 댓쓴이
베라가고싶네용 ㅠㅠ 요즘 새로운 맛 많이나와가지고 먹고싶어요
20-01-13 21:46
Luho Plastic Surgery Clinic (formerly Yonsei First Plastic Surgery Clinic)
hospital info
I had really high expectations when I went there, so if the consultation was okay, I was going to make a deposit and get the surgery right away . The head director only does reoperations, so I consulted with another director. But the director just roughly drew the line, and I asked if I could do a team because my face looked sunken, but after a quick look, he said it was okay, and I didn't feel any sincerity. I only came to get eye surgery, but he suddenly looked at my nose and said out of the blue that it would be prettier if I fixed it this way... I wondered why he was suddenly looking at my nose ... The director said that I could get eye bridges if I wanted, but the head director really pressured me to get the surgery . He  also pressured me to pay a deposit. Overall, the consultation itself wasn't that great .
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