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[썸&연애] What do men like more, tofu or Arab?

Date 24.02.08 18:01:34 View 7,523

Which one of the two is more popular among men? ㅠㅅㅠ

[공지] 성형관련 게시물이나 등업관련 게시글은 삭제
[공지] 익명 게시판은 존칭 사용이 금지 됨

Cmts 11
1번 댓쓴이
Yes, you're so intentionally bringing in only pretty Arab people.
24-02-08 18:07
2번 댓쓴이
In reality, apart from the photo, the tofu-shaped face is popular with the opposite sex and is easy to approach, and regardless of its prettiness, it seems more popular with women.
24-02-08 19:40
3번 댓쓴이
I don't think you can judge it by the picture lol It's a tofu statue
24-02-08 22:19
4번 댓쓴이
It seems like people just look pretty
 and divide themselves according to their tastes lol
24-02-08 22:25
5번 댓쓴이
Tofu is 100% complete lol
24-02-08 23:38
6번 댓쓴이
Totally my taste! But I think tofu is more accessible??
24-02-09 00:29
7번 댓쓴이
Arabs with white skin are popular, but if your skin is also Arab, you’re probably a tofu…
24-02-09 01:54
8번 댓쓴이
Arab men like tofu, but tofu-faced men seem to like Arab women. People around me
24-02-09 23:14
9번 댓쓴이
저게 뭐가 아랍상이여 ㅋㅋ 그냥 존예상이지
24-02-10 11:43
10번 댓쓴이
.....? 저건 아랍상이 아니라 그냥 존예 미녀상 아닌가
24-02-10 20:38
11번 댓쓴이
둘다 예쁜 두부아랍상이라고 햇을때 대부분 두부 더 선호하는 거 같긴햇어
24-02-12 08:25
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