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[필러시술] Review after trying both HICO and MISCO

Date 18.04.30 00:33:13 View 1,424

After doing Haiko and Missco for several years, tomorrow is finally the day of nose surgery, so I'm leaving a random review I've been doing. I do n't know if it will be helpful. I was beaten once a year. As for the bruises, I had yellow bruises. About a week until they completely fall off? From the second day, I became an avatar every time due to swelling, and I think I barely went outside for about 3 to 4 days . I did it a few more times after that, and they said it was left with collagen, but there was really a little bit left . The nose was threaded only at the tip of the nose, and filler was inserted at the bridge of the nose. I did the treatment right after receiving the consultation, but after doing it, my nose was really good, so I felt good, but after a few days, I felt like a thread would come out soon, so I went to the hospital. The director also saw it and said that it would come out, so I took it off, so I took one off . It could be because my nose is a bit spread out, but there was such a thing. There are many things I want to say, but I can't organize them because I'm distracted Haiko - When raising the bridge of the nose - Since the thread goes only on the bridge of the nose, it is better not to expect too much for the tip of the nose to be raised - The first time I did it, it lasted about 6 months, and after that, I felt that the maintenance period gradually got longer . - When raising the tip of the nose - The tip of the nose has a thread that spins only at the tip of the nose, and the bridge of the nose is a filler, so it is not recommended for people like me who have a low nose.

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