Job Review

Spot laser

Date 19.03.14 23:48:05 View 503

I received treatment for melasma at a dermatologist in Cheongdam, and my entire face was retouched with a laser, so now my melasma has become widespread and dark, and the areas where I had no melasma, such as my cheeks, forehead, and chin , have become pigmented and cannot be covered by makeup. The doctor just calmly said that I would get better, but did not give me a refund or any other measures, so in the end, I was so mentally exhausted and stressed that I gave up and did not go at all... Is there a way to punish these irresponsible, conscienceless, and incompetent doctors ? The money was very expensive because it was in Cheongdam-dong, and they advertised it like a doctor who graduated from the dermatology department at Seoul National University and has been dealing with melasma for more than 10 years . After seeing this on other people's faces so many times, I feel so unfair and distrustful. Is there any treatment for side effects of melasma or severe pigmentation ? Isn't it good that you are here at Seongyesa Temple? Please give me a recommendation ㅜㅜ

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저도 주근깨때문에 병원알아보고있는데 잘알아봐야겠네요...속상하시겠어요 제 개인적인생각이지만 주근깨전문피부과가있더라구요 주근깨는어려운만큼 주근깨에대해많이알고전문적인곳에서 하는게나을거같아요 ㅠㅠ힘내세요
19-03-16 13:45
벤트락스겔꾸준히 하루세번씩발라보세요
착색된거는 정말흐려져요 저는 프락셀기계하고
피부홍조생기고 힘들더라구요
19-03-23 00:32
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