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Forehead, contour, chin tip, chin botox, nose filler reviews

Date 18.12.10 14:55:55 View 13,939

It's harder to find a picture, so please understand that I only attached a picture of the nose filler. I'm going to write a lot of reviews and write them in detail because it fits a lot in various ways. I'll get it as a comment~ It's my first time writing something like this, so please take a look even if it's not enough *All I did was filler treatment 1. Forehead Forehead is a hospital that had an event haha? I did it there. It seems like a year and a half or two years have passed since I first received it. I still feel that I have some filler left, and I remember it as a domestic filler. I have a protruding eyebrow bone like a man's forehead, and my forehead is flat. I put in a little due to the circumstances, but it was a little puffy enough to satisfy myself, but the downside is that there was a groove in the center of the forehead, as if I had pressed it with my finger, and it went in slightly in a round shape. But as time passed, the filler fell out little by little and it disappeared as well... Perhaps because the volume is small and the forehead is wide, it feels like it only gathers in the center, but it gradually disappears naturally, so I'm satisfied . .... Even though I was anesthetized, I heard a popping sound from being poked with a needle, and I think I went back and forth with it a few times . I think I got a total of three contour injections, but I got them from ㅅㅁㅅ and in fact, I didn't see much effect. I don't know, I got it to get rid of the cheek fat, but it seems to have disappeared very later because I lost weight recently. 3. I'm personally satisfied with the tip of the chin. I like it natural, so please don't overdo it, and at the end, I only get 2cc at the beginning and then 1cc, and when I look in the mirror and take pictures, I can see it the most. Haha Unless your chin protrudes from the side, I don't think you'll be like me. I remember the price at 100,000 . I'm getting hit very steadily. As you all know, I'm getting hit once or twice every 6 months, with short cycles at first and getting longer. It's like this haha ​​It's just tingling. It's a local clinic like the tip of the chin above, and it's domestic, so the price is sometimes different for each event, so I paid 3 to 6. Maybe it's because it's a kind of Botox that works steadily and doesn't feel different on its own (they say it takes a month to see a change haha) I didn't know much about it, but when I looked at the picture or suddenly in the mirror, I heard a lot of people around me saying that I lost weight and my chin got slimmer. 5. The nose filler that made me use this I think I got it right because I put the most effort into the nose filler. Others are small, little, and big, but it's one of the many reviews that say to be careful. As you can see, the original nose is very flat and has a hooked beak, but the tip of the nose is bent downward. (Between the eyebrows) After that, I filled in the middle of the nose bridge and slightly raised the tip of the nose. I was hit with that, and I remember the price being between 15 and 20. Sorry for my poor memory....... I'll remember exactly when I get hit next week and post a review. I knew it, contacted the hospital, and it wasn't a fuss. It disappeared naturally over time, to the point of embarrassing to go again. In the second round, there was already a length of filler, so I put it only at the tip of the nose and one shot on the bridge of the nose and one shot in the middle was hit like this. The important part to write is from here. First of all, the filler leaked from the tip of the nose after being hit for the first time. At the injection mark from the injection. There was not much change in shape. It was an avatar when I first got it, but it was natural and I was satisfied because the swelling went down. I've been living with the filler fluid protruding like a pimple like that. At first, I waited for it to disappear when the filler melted. It popped out again , so I'm thinking of asking when I go to get the filler this time. Please share how you handled it . I'll leave it again. The post has become very long. If you leave any questions in the comments, I'll reply. If anyone knows the phenomenon of nose filler pimples, please let me know. Now I'm so used to it that it wouldn't be strange to live with him for the rest of my life, but it's the most stressful thing when people always say there's something on my nose

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* 비밀글 입니다.
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그런데 코는 이뻐진거 같아요
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코끝이 예뻐지셨어요~~^^
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코 근데 예뻐요..
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