Job Review

[Lifiting] Thermage 600 shot + 3 types of custom skin booster, 2 week review

Date 23.05.23 18:41:19 View 886

I almost had to wait a long time because it was a famous dermatology clinic, but there was also a new director. I was able to receive a consultation and treatment in less time than I thought..hahaha I had a lot of concerns about choosing a different director than the one I was looking for. After reading Director Kim Young-joo's review, it seemed like he was good at it and he seemed to have enough experience, so I accepted it and I think I did well! The consultation was very professional, and they picked up on and talked about even the things I didn't care about! And if you receive a treatment worth more than 1.2 million won from the new director, you will receive a treatment ticket worth 500,000 won. I'm going to try using it when I go to get it again later haha. Anyway, I will write a review of the laser lifting and skin booster! The hospital itself is very large and popular, so it is used whenever you go for consultation or treatment. There are always a lot of people!! Still, I didn't have to wait too long to get the procedure! After a brief consultation with the director, I discussed getting the treatment with the director and went in. I'm a bit scared, so to be honest, I couldn't even dare to sleep without So, I received sedative anesthesia, but I was very worried about what would happen if I woke up in the middle of the night. At some point, I came to my senses and found myself in a recovery room. The recovery room was private and nice! Soup was served in front, so it felt like a hotel? Haha. After eating that, I recovered somewhat and came out, so I had a quick talk with the director. I came out and the care provided by the hospital was very good. Because it is so large, does this system feel well organized? So I received it without any inconvenience!! It is now the 2nd week, and there was some swelling for the 2nd to 3rd day after receiving it. If you eat ramen and sleep, does your face get swollen that much?? It also fell out quickly. It doesn’t look like it was surgery, but it seems to fall out quickly. My pores immediately felt tighter and I could actually feel the difference when I looked in the mirror. And the skin tone has become a bit brighter?? Compared to the first week, my skin feels a bit tighter now. It seems like the fine wrinkles here and there have disappeared haha. I think I still need to wait a little longer to watch for thick wrinkles!!!

모시모티's More Posts
Cmts 5
* this is a secret.
23-05-23 21:07
23-05-23 22:12
I can clearly see that my facial lines have been cleaned up.
23-05-24 09:26
Have you tried Oligio?
23-05-28 22:27
oh my god!
23-05-30 00:31
Kirin Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
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