After suffering from adult acne, I made up my mind and went to get Agnes. There were a lot of people saying that Agnes was painful, so I was prepared and went there, but compared to Exca Laser, Agnes is cute. After applying the anesthetic cream, Agnes said it felt like it was just extruding a little more or less, but the It's so strange and painful. It's hard to explain and it's painful. The Excar Laser is a commonly referred to Subcision type of scar treatment, so it is a good idea for people who have squeezed out their own acne a lot or who cannot just leave their acne alone, as they have many invisible scars. However, if you are sensitive to pain, absolutely not recommended. It's really bad. I tend to tolerate pain well, but I cried. It really hurts like no joke. Oh, and it's difficult to go out with a bare face after receiving acne treatment. These days, people are talking about wearing masks, but it would be better for those who receive them to receive them while wearing masks.