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Nose filler, nostril reduction injection, and forehead filler

Date 21.02.28 15:17:10 View 1,010

It's not that my nose is very low or ugly, but I had a complex about the bridge of my nose being a bit low and the gap between my eyebrows itself being wide. Originally, they said that epicanthoplasty surgery would have little effect because the eyes themselves were cleft, so I naturally became interested in nose surgery, and went to a plastic surgeon to get filler before nose surgery. I was living in a rural area and working at a dermatology clinic. At that time, forehead filler (autologous blood + filler treatment) was popular among teachers. After observing the successful cases of two or three people and no side effects, I got information and consulted with the director of nose filler and consultation. I even got the recommended nostril reduction injection (at this time, I actually saw the doctor right before the procedure without any consultation;; I should have thought it was strange at the time, but it was a procedure, not a surgery, and I only believed in an acquaintance's forehead success story and carelessly got nose filler and alar reduction injection without any information. Thinking about it now, I think it was a really fearless act to get it..) When I was consulting with the director, I asked what to do if the nose filler had side effects, and he said that there were almost no side effects, and that if any occurred, it would be resolved if I went to the hospital right away. The procedure was really painful... I tend to tolerate pain well, but the forehead was more than painful, because the filler was inserted between the bones and muscles, so I could vividly hear the sound of the needle cracking the forehead bone, which was shocking, but the nose was really... I would rather have surgery. I did it if I could, but I didn't want to do it again. After the procedure, I returned home, spent the weekend working hard to reduce the swelling, and went to work, but the teachers were upset. My forehead is so bad. I felt like I was a completely different person, why didn't I do it sooner, my face was glowing as if it was a filler effect, I thought there was a light shining behind me, etc. The procedure was better than any other teacher I've had before. My cheekbones appear relatively ridged on my bulging forehead, and my face doesn't look shabby even when I wear my long hair in a slicked back at work... But my happiness ended when I developed a problem with my nose.  Since when has the cheek of your right nostril been blue? It started to change, and at first I tried to cover it up with makeup, but later the area became hollow and the pores became bigger and bigger, and people around me started asking me what was wrong with my nose, and my happiness started to turn into stress. I searched on the internet and found out that this is a common side effect that can occur when receiving fat-dissolving injections. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any pain or inflammation on the outside, so I told myself to wait and see, and it wasn't until about two years later that my nose gained weight again and the color returned to normal, but even now, I still occasionally get pimples of unknown origin in that area, but for no reason. I think it's because of the rosacea, and I've developed a habit of always looking at my nose closely when I look in the mirror. In conclusion, I would like to say that I would have done the nose surgery, and that filler will not be suitable for me again. And for a proper plastic surgery, I will choose a hospital that sells enough hands and feet and can directly consult with the director as a candidate. I'm really glad that my skin came back after 2 years, but if it didn't come back... When I called to inquire about how my nostrils seemed to be uneven after the nose surgery, I scoffed and said to the staff member next to me over the phone that my nostrils were I can't forget what you said. As I wrote it, it got really long... It was an endless story of experience. Lastly, I hope that everyone who is preparing for plastic surgery will end their long agony with success by making a wise choice!

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